Command Line History

You may have noticed, that I am quite a fan of the command line. Recently, I linked to a video of Brian Kernighan interviewing Ken Thompson. Tooting about that, Dietmar pointed me to to additional, very nice videos:

UNIX: Making Computers Easier To Use – AT&T Archives film from 1982, Bell Laboratories
Broken link to the AT&T Tech Channel original.


And, of course, there is the „The UNIX System: Making Computers More Productive” video (not embedable) at the AT&T Archive site.

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[Montag, 20190624, 17:52 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2019-06-18

The mindfulness conspiracy | The Guardian

Mindfulness is nothing more than basic concentration training. Although derived from Buddhism, it’s been stripped of the teachings on ethics that accompanied it, as well as the liberating aim of dissolving attachment to a false sense of self while enacting compassion for all other beings.

What remains is a tool of self-discipline, disguised as self-help. Instead of setting practitioners free, it helps them adjust to the very conditions that caused their problems. A truly revolutionary movement would seek to overturn this dysfunctional system, but mindfulness only serves to reinforce its destructive logic. The neoliberal order has imposed itself by stealth in the past few decades, widening inequality in pursuit of corporate wealth. People are expected to adapt to what this model demands of them. Stress has been pathologised and privatised, and the burden of managing it outsourced to individuals. Hence the pedlars of mindfulness step in to save the day.

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[Mittwoch, 20190619, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2019-06-15

31 Common Interview Questions and Answers - The Muse

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview?

While we unfortunately can’t read minds, we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of the 31 most commonly asked interview questions and answers.

30 Behavioral Interview Questions to Prep For - The Muse

To help you better prepare for your next interview, here are 30 behavioral interview questions sorted by topic

How to Use the STAR Method to Ace Your Job Interview - The Muse

STAR is an acronym that stands for:

Situation: Set the scene and give the necessary details of your example.
Task: Describe what your responsibility was in that situation.
Action: Explain exactly what steps you took to address it.
Result: Share what outcomes your actions achieved.

Everybody Will Be Hip and Rich: Neoliberal Discourse in Silicon Valley – Present Tense

More effectively than standard neoliberal discourse’s dialectic of risk and stability, tech talk appears to have succeeded in strengthening the deregulatory appeals of market talk by activating consumers’ desires for wealth, comfort, and social distinction, effectively rendering neoliberalism both more proximate and more seductive to the average person. Insofar as we are able, rhetoricians should actively attend to the flourishing of this discourse and strive to incorporate analysis of its liberatory claims into our work in digital rhetoric. While, as a field, we are deeply attuned to the technological developments of Silicon Valley, increasingly incorporating them into both our teaching and scholarship, much more of our attention could be paid to the rhetorical dynamics of the industry itself and how these are operative in shaping public attitudes toward technology, consumerism, and neoliberalism.

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[Sonntag, 20190616, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Moving from Github to Gitlab (1/x)

My new favourite DevOps/git tool Gitlab already provides exhaustive documentation on how to move/copy/import projects from Github into Gitlab. Once that is done, there is still the question of how to handle the local repositories. Delete and clone them anew from Gitlab? I decided to keep them and just wrangle the origin to the new URL.

Here are my notes1 for the process:

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
$ git fetch
$ git remote rename origin github
$ git remote add origin
$ git remote -v
github (fetch)
github (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
$ git fetch
$ git remote rm github
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)


1 … „The difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.” – Adam Savage

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[Sonntag, 20190609, 15:55 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Firefox: Getting Rid of All Notification Popups

Every other Website now ask Web browser users to enable „Push Notifications” from their site. For me, this got so annoying, that I actually researched, how to disable this feature generally for all websites. Surprisingly, recent Firefox version make this very easy – and you are not using another browser anymore, right? ;)

So for Firefox, go to the preferences, and select „Privacy & Security” and then the „Settings for „Notifications”:

Screenshot Settings Navigation

Once there, just set the checkbox „Block new requests asking to allow notifications”.

Screenshot Notification Settings

„Save Changes” and your are done. No more pesky, nagging „please enable Notifications for this website” popups.

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[Sonntag, 20190609, 12:12 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2019-06-08

UNIX: Brian Kernighan interviews Ken Thompson

In the 1960s-1970s, Ken Thompson co-invented the UNIX operating system along with Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. He also worked on the language B, the operating system Plan 9, and the language Go. He and Ritchie won the Turing Award. He now works at Google. He’ll be interviewed Brian Kernighan of “K&R” fame. This talk took place May 4, 2019. Videography courtesy of @thegurumeditation (Facebook), @thegurumeditate (Twitter)

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[Sonntag, 20190609, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Funktionierende ÖBB iCalendar Dateien

Mit der ÖBB verbindet mich ein längerer „Dialog” bezüglich deren iCalendar Files, die generiert werden, wenn mensch ein Zugticket online kauft. Eigentlich eine super Sache, kann man doch die Zugfahrt so gleich in den digitalen Kalender der (persönlichen) Wahl importieren.

Wenn, ja wenn, da nicht die agilen Fullstack EntwicklerInnen und die QA-Abteilung der ÖBB wären. Die Test(tet)en diese iCalendar Dateien anscheinend ausschließlich mit Microsofts Outlook, was ja quasi jede Datei akzeptiert, die auch nur wage an eine iCalendar Datei erinnert. Mit einem etwas standardkonformeren Kalender-Client sah das Ergebnis dann so aus:

Screenshot 1 ical Errors

Seit November 2018 hatten die EntwicklerInnen aber nachgelegt – der Wasserfall dürfte aufgetaut sein – und die neu generierten Dateien sind nun schon deutlich RFC konformer:

Screenshot 2 ical Errors

Für die noch fehlenden Reperaturarbeiten – korrekte Zeilenumbrüche und Entfernen des BOM – hab ich ein kleines Script plus einer dazugehörigen „Nemo Action” erstellt, die ich mit Euch teilen möchte. Alles gibt es auf meinem brandneuen Gitlab Account.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Fix the ÖBB iCalendar files by replacing the LF with RFC conforming CRLF
# and removing the UTF-8 BOM
# See the thread at
# Place script into ~/bin and make executable
for ics in "$@"
    # echo "Working on ${ics}"
    filename=$(basename -- "$ics")
    target="${filename} fixed.${extension}"
    # fix LF to RFC conforming CRLF and remove UTF-8 BOM
    sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\r\n/g' <"${ics}" | sed '1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' > "${target}"
    # echo "Done."

Tagged as: , , | Author:
[Mittwoch, 20190605, 21:35 | permanent link | 1 Kommentar(e)

Looking for „The Next Big Thing” (and a Job)

Yes, I am available starting 2019-10-01.
Feel free to contact me any means available (except WhatsApp) or via email at job4martin<commercial at> for my CV or any other information.

You may have heard that IBM sold the products I am currently working with (Notes/Domino, Sametime, Connections) to HCL. As a result of that move, IBM and I recently decided, amicably, to go seperate ways by end of September. This, luckily, coincided with my desire to change and do something new/different.

Which is where you, my dear reader, come into play. Because I am currently at loss what the „next big thing”, the next cool technology or solution to learn, develop and work with, is. I caught the Web in the 1990ties, the .com boom around 2000 and the Social Media/Web 2.0 thingy around 2010s. But right now, I am stumped and my gut feeling is not making a beep.

I already looked at topics like Security, Agile, DevOps, DevSecOps, IoT, Cyber, Blockchain, AI, etc. I pondered the Gartner Hype cycle (just for completeness ;)). I read a ton of input from the RSS feeds I subscribe to. And still nothing sticks out to me with a big, flashing „THIS IS IT” sign plastered over it like I experienced it in my career several times already. I am currently, for the first time in my life, stumped by the question of what I want to work with in the next 3-5 years.

So my question to you is: What IS the „Next Big Thing” in your opinion?

Where should I look for an interesting, well paying, challenge that will keep me galvanized for the next few years?

I would love to get your input!
(or even a job offer)

Tagged as: , , , , | Author:
[Montag, 20190603, 14:10 | permanent link | 3 Kommentar(e)

Public Speaking 2019

Balkan Computer Congress - BalCCon2k19 - Uncharted Waters

2019-09-13-15, Balkan Computer Congress - BalCCon2k19 - Uncharted Waters, Novi Sad Fair - Congress Centre, Hajduk Veljkova 11, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, Europe, Earth, Milky Way

Modern Commandline-Tools (Final Last Version)

Linux without a command line is like the sky without stars. But most of the tools we use daily are from the late 1980ties or even older. In this talk I want to present to you modern alternatives to tools you might already know.
Initially I thought that I covered all relevant command line tools last year. Thanks to a lot of wonderful people as well as new requirements in my job, I gathered so many new tools, that I can do another talk on thems. So you will get 95% new content in this talk. Only the jokes will be old.

Workshop: Kali Linux and Metasploit for Beginners

As a gray/whithat hacker or as a member of a red/blue team? Kicking off your career in infosec. I will give you a head start with the basic tools of the trade (except from the often mentioned Rakija).
In two hours, we will explore Kali Linx and the metasploit toolkit with a few selected attacks and exploits to get you started with the tools. If I can set up a dedicated WiFi, we will even hack that! Try out brute-force attacks and password cracking in a save environment, whithout the threat of legal repercussions. Have fun while learning new stuff. And all for the price of the conference attendance fee!

Gulaschprogrammiernacht 2019

2019-05-20/2019-06-02, Gulaschprogrammiernacht 2019, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe

Moderne Kommandozeilen-Werkzeuge (endgültig letzte Version)

Eigentlich dachte ich, letztes Jahr alle relevanten Kommandozeilen-Werkzeuge vorgestellt zu haben. Dank vieler lieber Menschen und neuer Anforderungen im Job haben sich jedoch erneut so viele neue Tools gefunden, dass ich nochmal einen Talk darüber machen kann. Es erwartet Euch also 95% neuer Inhalte in diesem Talk, nur die Witze sind alt.

Tagged as: , , , | Author:
[Samstag, 20190601, 18:25 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)


„Leyrers Online Pamphlet“ ist die persönliche Website von mir, Martin Leyrer. Die hier veröffentlichten Beiträge spiegeln meine Ideen, Interessen, meinen Humor und fallweise auch mein Leben wider.
The postings on this site are my own and do not represent the positions, strategies or opinions of any former, current or future employer of mine.
Impressum / Offenlegung gemäß § 25 Mediengesetz


Me, Elsewhere

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AFK Readinglist