Bring em' on
Death by PowerPoint
We all know those lengthy presentations with no outcome that go on forever, accompanied by tons of slideware. But there are other ways to do presentations.David Byrne of Talking Heads fame for example is known to use turn heads in unusual ways.
The newest and definately coolest example on how exciting, entertaining and informative a cool presentation was given by Dick Hardt on the topic of „Identity 2.0” at OSCAN 2005. (via vowe)
Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2005
Ich bin jetzt schon seit gut 10 Jahren im Web unterwegs, aber an den grundsätzlichen Problemen bei der Erstellung von Webseiten hat sich laut Jacob Nielsen nichts geändert.Browser mode for direc.tor is a prototype for an alternative web-based rich UI for It leverages the XML and XSL services of modern browsers to deliver a responsive interface for managing user accounts with a large number of records. Cool. VERY cool.Google Logo Maker

Schau genau
Internet Explorer - We discovered the webHilarious!
The wait is over. Internet Explorer empowers you to browse integrated with your entire Windows experience more than any other browser. Stay with the vast majority and continue using the default browser today Other browsers don’t understand the complete inner workings of your operating system like we do. They just can’t compete.
Tabbed Browsing
Screw that. It will only confuse basic users, so instead of making it an option, we just didn’t implement it at all. Oh wait… there goes our browser market share. Our next release will have tabs.
A Beautiful Endgame
After the game, word filtered around the giant playing room. A crowd gathered around the table; 14-letter words don’t happen very often [in Scrabble, ed.]. Photos were taken – of the board, not the players – and the sequence was recapped by the participants.2005 National Scrabble Championship
Computer in-the-wall
Chip PC unveils the ground-breaking Jack-PC, a versatile thin client computer fully integrated into the existing wall LAN jack. The Jack-PC thin client computers o perate in a Server-Based-Computing environment and quickly convert existing enterprise LAN jacks into fully-operatable computers without installing additional cabling.JackPC
Wo sind die IT-Helden hin?
Ken Thompson retired to California.Brian Kernighan is a Professor at Princeton.
Tom Duff is at Pixar.
Dept. 1127: going, Going, GONE!
Tagged as: lost+found | Author: Martin Leyrer
[Donnerstag, 20051006, 17:27 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)
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