Links for 2011-08-22
Mach flott den Schrott 2
Für den einen sind es traurige Reste vergangener Hardware-Herrlichkeit, ein anderer sieht darin wertvolles Baumaterial: ausgediente Diskettenlaufwerke, unwirtschaftliche Drucker, ausgemusterte Server, Plotter, Terminals, Scanner und so weiter. Mit Erfindungsgeist, Mut, ein paar Werkzeugen und einem guten Schuss Humor machen findige Leute daraus sinnreiche neue Vorrichtungen, mit denen sie Alltagsprobleme lösen, oder originelle Kunstwerke, die zum Staunen reizen.In einem neuen großen Wettbewerb unter dem Motto „Mach flott den Schrott” prämiert c’t die besten Schöpfungsakte aus den Hightech-Schätzchen von gestern.
Cities in Fact and Fiction: An Interview with William Gibson: Scientific American
Author of the cyberpunk novel Neuromancer, William Gibson talks about the relationship between his fiction and the contemporary urban landscapeIBM Redbooks | IBM System x Server Disk Drive Technology
In the server environments, disk storage is becoming more and more important, and the choice of hard drives is very broad - connectivity intefaces (SAS, SATA) and their speeds, rotational speeds, desktop vs nearline vs enterprise drives, form-factors and so on. How to choose the most appropriate HDD drive type?The purpose of this document is to discuss currently available internal and external HDD storage interfaces for IBM® System x® servers and to provide recommendations on how to choose the right options to better fit business needs and application requirements. The document is organized into the following sections:
It’s little surprise Amazon and authors are cutting out the middleman | Ian Vince | Comment is free |
After giving away their margins, publishers have let marketing and royalties for most of their writers slide Tagged as: delicious, links | Author: Martin Leyrer
[Montag, 20110822, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)
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