Links for 2011-08-25
Why IP Addresses Alone Don’t Identify Criminals | Electronic Frontier Foundation
First, an IP address doesn’t automatically identify a criminal suspect. It’s just a unique address for a device connected to the Internet, much like a street address identifies a building. In most cases, an IP address will identify a router that one or more computers use to connect to the Internet.But in many situations, an IP address isn’t personally identifying at all. When it traces back to a router that connects to many computers at a library, cafe, university, or to an open wireless network, VPN or Tor exit relay used by any number of people, an IP address alone doesn’t identify the sender of a specific message. And because of pervasive problems like botnets and malware, suspect IP addresses increasingly turn out to be mere stepping stones for the person actually „using” the computer—a person who is nowhere nearby.
Why Secure Email Still Doesn’t Measure Up
Encrypted email should be the norm, not the once-in-a-lifetime event. We all know that we should use it. Haven’t we all been schooled that sending emails is like having a post card plastered to the wall of your local coffee bar? Haven’t all the various exploits with stolen credit cards and easily guessed passwords of Sarah Palin’s Yahoo account been warning enough? Apparently not.Performance monitoring is Someone Else’s Problem • The Register
Douglas Adams obviously knew what makes an IT shop tick. In Life, the Universe, and Everything, he identified the Somebody Else’s Problem (SEP) field, which renders some things not so much invisible as unnoticeable.IT departments are littered with SEPs because they make the whole tangled mess the average beleaguered IT manager has to deal with more workable. The politically astute sometimes call them “knowledge domains”, or “fields of expertise”, otherwise known as silos.
Facebook Just Killed Places
Remember Places, the Facebook Foursquare clone feature you probably didn’t use? I say probably, because Facebook just axed it entirely, BI reports, admitting inevitable defeat in the check-in war. It’s about time!Das Blog ist tot, es lebe der Blog | Sprachlog
Nun, zunächst ist klar, dass Blog eine Abkürzung von Weblog ist, und darin ist das Wort log enthalten. Die deutsche Entsprechung Log(buch) ist ein Neutrum, und als das Wort (We)blog vor noch nicht allzulanger Zeit ins Deutsche entlehnt wurde, war es deshalb auch ein Neutrum.Aber woher kommt dieser Trend zum Maskulinum? Nun, die semantisch motivierte Genuswahl, bei der einem Lehnwort das Genus der deutschen Entsprechung (oder des am nächsten verwandten deutschen Wortes) verpasst wird, ist nur eine von zwei Strategien. Die andere ist phonologisch: Das Lehnwort erhält das Genus eines lautlich verwandten Wortes. Das Wort Blog ist nun lautlich identisch mit dem Wort Block, beide werden [blɔk] ausgesprochen. Und Block ist ein Maskulinum. Je stärker die ursprüngliche semantische Verwandschaft zwischen Blog und Logbuch also in Vergessenheit gerät, desto mehr setzt sich die phonologisch motivierte Genuszuweisung durch.
Atom heart motherboard - As physical limits bite, electronic engineers must build ever cleverer transistors
Every time transistors shrink, they get closer to the point where they can shrink no further—for if the law continues on its merry way, transistors will be the size of individual silicon atoms within two decades.More to the point, they have already shrunk to a size where every atom counts. Too few atoms can cause their insulation to break down, or allow current to leak to places it is not supposed to be because of a phenomenon called quantum tunnelling, in which electrons vanish spontaneously and reappear elsewhere. Too many atoms of the wrong sort, though, can be equally bad, interfering with a transistor’s conductivity. Engineers are therefore endeavouring to redesign transistors yet again, so that Dr Moore’s prediction can remain true a little longer.
Chinese accidentally show off cyberwar capability - We thought they didn’t do that sort of thing | TechEye
The Chinese government may have accidentally revealed how it secretly engages in cyber warfare.Despite the fact that it denies that it does launch cyber attacks, a somewhat dull piece of military propaganda was screened on television which showed a Chinese military university engaged in cyberwarfare against the United States.
Stanley Kubrick invented the iPad in 1968 - Samsung cites prior art against Apple | TechEye
Samsung is claiming that Apple’s insistence that Steve Jobs invented the iPad is overturned by science fiction.According to a new filing, Samsung has opposed the preliminary injunction Apple filed for in early July. It claims that Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 flick „2001: A Space Odyssey” and episodes of the British kids show „The Tomorrow People” both have designs similar to the iPad. The 2001 clip looks like it is running Android.
Kojo Home
Kojo is a desktop application that runs on Windows, Linux, and the Mac. It is a Learning Environment - with many different features that help with the exploration, learning, and teaching of concepts in the areas of:* Computer Programming and Critical Thinking. * Math and Science. * Art, Music, and Creative Thinking. * Computer and Internet Literacy.
Clockwise/Spiral Rule
There is a technique known as the „Clockwise/Spiral Rule” which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration!Java 7: What’s in it for developers | Application Development - InfoWorld
Officially known as Java Platform Standard Edition 7, Java SE 7 is the first big release of Java in more than five years and the first under Oracle’s stewardship. It offers improvements for running dynamic languages, programming, and file systems.Comment: Winsome Carly Fiorina lends support to HP’s Apotheker - Failed senator spills no beans | TechEye
Carly Fiorina, who swept Compaq under HP’s rug, is something of a crystal ball. Having her on your side, some in the industry would argue, is a sure fire sign that there is a wrong decision being made. Giving Apotheker her full backing doesn’t bode well. Tagged as: delicious, links | Author: Martin Leyrer
[Donnerstag, 20110825, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)
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