Solaris Tech Day Vienna

From the invitation:

We invite customers, partners, SystemEngineers, DBAs, ApplicationEngineers, and anyone else interested in Solaris technologies to join us on the 23rd May, in Vienna in the Urania to review past, present and future Solaris technologies, discuss real-world customer usecases, learn about the ways Solaris features are utilized in different scenarios.
What do you need to know?
  1. The event is on May 23, in Vienna, in the Urania.
  2. The presentations will be held in english, for we have invited and expect an international audience
  3. There will be a registration link put up (here too!) very soon, this blogpost is to inform you so that you can save the date into your calendar (do it now!)
  4. To participate in the technical Hands-on-Labs bring along your laptop with a 64-bit OS and an up to date VirtualBox installation (can be done withing minutes).
  5. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Here’s the preliminary agenda to raise your interest:
kvegh@s11u2:~$ cat projects/Solaris_Day/agenda.txt
12:45: Registration
13:15: Opening and Welcome 
13:30: Oracle Solaris - Features, Oracle on Oracle Optimizations, and Futures - Joost Pronk, Solaris Product Manager
14:10: What's new in Solaris 11.1? - Jörg Möllenkamp, Senior Account Architect 
14:50: CoffeeBreak
15:10: Partner Session I: Arrow ECS: Empowering the Solaris Community
15:30: Partner Session II: cons4you: Real World Solaris Experiences: Advanced Technologies - Rudolf Rotheneder, CEO cons4you
16:20: Solaris Cluster: High Availability options integrating with Solaris Virtualization - Karoly Vegh Principal Systems Consultant
17:00: Parallell Tracks:
        - Hands-on-Lab: Zones
        - Hands-on-Lab: ZFS
        - Demo: LDoms
        - Networking, informal information exchange

Solaris Technical Day on the 23rd May in Vienna (Oracle Systems Blog Austria)

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