Links from 2020-04-15

William Gibson: Today’s Internet Is ‘Utterly Banal’

And when it comes to his own predictions for the future, William Gibson says he was wrong about something else: He thought the Internet would be a mysterious and sexy place. "Cyberspace, as described in Neuromancer, is nothing at all like the Internet that we live with, which consists mostly of utterly banal and silly stuff."

Get lost in the sounds of YouTube’s growing ambient modular synth community - The Verge

In recent weeks, ambient modular synth videos have started popping up more frequently on YouTube. The videos center on the gear, with hands coming in and out of frame to slowly adjust a knob or push a fader. Amid the hypnotic sounds, there’s oodles of multi-colored cables, glowing lights, and more often than not, a bit of decor.

Tesla teardown finds electronics 6 years ahead of Toyota and VW - Nikkei Asian Review

Bad news for Magna …

Ukulele Lockdown - Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

Normal activity by the Ukulele Orchestra GB is of course currently suspended owing to the measures introduced in response to the Covid-19 virus. One hopes that something like normal activity will resume eventually, though of course there may be unforeseen long-term consequences.

For the moment we are all in our own homes. The performers in the orchestra are finding ways to make music together. They have been interacting.

Viewers who enjoy the orchestra’s unique blend of friendliness, entertainment, humour, anarchy and “infotainment” (which is sometimes known as “utter piffle”), may enjoy the videos and other material which have been assembled for episodes of the orchestra’s “Ukulele Lockdown”.

Perhaps we could all benefit from some joy, fun, life-affirming sentiment, morale-boosting solidarity and an antidote to isolation, fear, boredom, doom, gloom and feelings of pointlessness.

Join the orchestra for a laugh, a song, and a way of connecting with others which doesn’t involve potentially risky social proximity. Stay at home but join the orchestra as they find ways to tap their toes and make beautiful music together.

We are lining up videos of the orchestra, solo appearances, Q&A sessions and other interactive elements. Link up with us if you like this. There is more to come every week.

What Makes This Song Great? Ep.28 DAVID BOWIE - YouTube

In this episode of "What Makes this Song Great?" we explore the music of David Bowie.

Love the details. Would LOVE to have that knowledge myself ….

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