Links from 2020-09-27

OpenSSH 8.4 release notes

  • ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): support for FIDO keys that require a PIN for
    each use. These keys may be generated using ssh-keygen using a new
    "verify-required" option. When a PIN-required key is used, the user
    will be prompted for a PIN to complete the signature operation.

  • sshd(8): authorized_keys now supports a new "verify-required"
    option to require FIDO signatures assert that the token verified
    that the user was present before making the signature. The FIDO
    protocol supports multiple methods for user-verification, but
    currently OpenSSH only supports PIN verification.

  • sshd(8), ssh-keygen(1): add support for verifying FIDO webauthn
    signatures. Webauthn is a standard for using FIDO keys in web
    browsers. These signatures are a slightly different format to plain
    FIDO signatures and thus require explicit support.

  • ssh(1): allow some keywords to expand shell-style ${ENV}
    environment variables. The supported keywords are CertificateFile,
    ControlPath, IdentityAgent and IdentityFile, plus LocalForward and
    RemoteForward when used for Unix domain socket paths. bz#3140

  • ssh(1), ssh-agent(1): allow some additional control over the use of
    ssh-askpass via a new $SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE environment variable,
    including forcibly enabling and disabling its use. bz#69

  • ssh(1): allow ssh_config(5)’s AddKeysToAgent keyword accept a time
    limit for keys in addition to its current flag options. Time-
    limited keys will automatically be removed from ssh-agent after
    their expiry time has passed.

The UX of LEGO Interface Panels

Piloting an ocean exploration ship or Martian research shuttle is serious business. Let’s hope the control panel is up to scratch. Two studs wide and angled at 45°, the ubiquitous “2x2 decorated slope” is a LEGO minifigure’s interface to the world.

These iconic, low-resolution designs are the perfect tool to learn the basics of physical interface design. Armed with 52 different bricks, let’s see what they can teach us about the design, layout and organisation of complex interfaces.

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