Links for 2011-09-25

‘Doppelganger domains’ reap data from misaddressed e-mail, researchers say – Government Computer News

Researchers from the Godai Group set up what are called doppelganger domains — close imitations of legitimate domains — for all Fortune 500 companies, then sat back for six months to see what they would get.

In all, the researchers report, 151 of the companies were vulnerable to having e-mail misdirected. And in that six-month period, they collected 120,000 e-mails amounting to 20G of data, including trade secrets, business invoices, employees’ personal information, network diagrams, user names and passwords.

When good disks go bad

It’s never a matter of if a disk will fail, but when. So, what do you do when you’re awakened at 2 o’clock in the morning because of file system, LVM, or SAN errors on an IBM AIX server? Or, better yet, how do you prevent them from waking you up in the first place? This article looks at strategies for managing disk resources to maximize availability, performance, and redundancy and provides techniques on how to recover from failures when good disks go bad.

Learn Linux, 101: Boot the system

Learn to guide your Linux system through the boot process. You can use the material in this article to study for the LPI 101 exam for Linux system administrator certification, or just to learn about the boot process.

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[Sonntag, 20110925, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links for 2011-09-20

Cubee - TARDIS by ~CyberDrone on deviantART

My Custom Cubeecraft / Papercraft Cutout template of the 11th Doctors TARDIS from Doctor Who.

A guide to writing unobtrusive JavaScript and Ajax

Unobtrusive JavaScript is the practice of separating the JavaScript, CSS, and HTML elements in your web applications. By keeping your applications organized in this way, it’s easier to maintain them and to ensure that your applications behave consistently across various platforms and web browsers. In this article, learn how to employ techniques to reap the benefits of developing web applications in an unobtrusive manner.

Oracles Datenbank-Auditing durch Poke deaktiviert - Netzpolitik - › Web

Im Rahmen einer Präsentation (PDF) auf der diesjährigen Hacktivity-Konferenz in Budapest legte der Sicherheitsexperte László Tóth die Auditing-Funktionen von Oracles Datenbank lahm. Dafür nutzte er den Befehl oradebug, der bei jeder Oracle-Installation vorhanden ist, wie heise berichtet. Tóth entwickelte das woraauthbf Tool, das zur Zeit seiner Veröffentlichung am schnellsten Oracle-Passwörter knacken konnte.

Mit Auditing werden Datenbankaktionen protokolliert, um im Falle von Manipulationen diese zurückzuverfolgen. Tóth demonstrierte, wie sich mit dem Befehl Poke, das Auditing für System-Benutzer mit Privilegien wie SYSDBA und SYSOPER deaktivieren lässt. Bedingung ist dabei das für einen Datenbank-Admin leicht zugängliche SYSDBA-Privileg.

„Beinahe nutzlos” seien deshalb Oracle-Produkte wie Audit Vault, die auf den Auditing-Funktionen der Datenbank aufsetzen, wie Oracle-Sicherheitsexperte Alexander Kornbrust warnt.

HTTPS: Verschlüsselte Datenübertragung ist nicht sicher | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE

So speziell das Szenario wirken mag, so zeigt es doch: Mit TLS verschlüsselte, sichere Verbindungen können nachträglich unsicher werden. Duong und Rizzo behaupten zudem, nicht nur Bezahldienste attackieren zu können, sondern auch Instant Messenger und als vergleichsweise sicher geltende VPN-Verbindungen (Virtuelle Private Netzwerke). Diese werden vor allem zur Umgehung von Internetzensur und zur Kommunikation etwa von Außendienstmitarbeitern mit ihren Unternehmen verwendet.

.. ein Gegenmittel gibt es zwar schon, doch ein Henne-Ei-Problem verhindert die Verbreitung: Fast alle Internetseiten, die vermeintlich sichere Verbindungen anbieten, setzen auf TLS in der Version 1.0. Die ist anfällig für Attacken wie die mit BEAST. Die Nachfolgerversionen TLS 1.1 und 1.2 sind immun und existieren bereits seit Jahren. Doch die meisten Website-Betreiber nutzen sie nicht, weil beide Versionen diverse Funktionen ihrer Seiten lahmlegen würden.

Adactio: Journal—I, Interface

1. An interface may not injure a user or, through inaction, allow a user to come to harm. 2. An interface must obey any orders given to it by users, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. An interface must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

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[Dienstag, 20110920, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Linuxwochenende 2011

Linuxwochenende 2011

Wann/Date: 2011-09-24 10:00:002011-09-24 19:00:00
Ort/Location: Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, 1010 Wien

Dieses Jahr findet am 24. September 2011 das vierte Mal das Linuxwochenende (heuer leider nur ein Linuxsamstag) im Wiener Metalab statt. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Vortragswochenende rund um Linux und Freie Software.


10:00 Verschlüsselung im Web für alle
Lars Diekow
11:00 IT Forensik im Selbstversuch (Arbeitstitel)
Goesta Smekal
12:00 rest2web, yawk?
Roland Schwarz
14:00 Eine NoSQL-Datenbank für numerische Daten
Peter J. Holzer
15:00 Antlr und Eclipse-Xtext - zwei ll Kumpane
Roman Weissgärber
16:00 eCos – ein Open Source embedded Betriebssystem
Ralf Schlatterbeck
16:30 Penetrationstests mit Metasploit
Michael Kohl
17:30 Lightning-Talks

Lightning-Talks (5 bis 10 Minuten) können auch noch am Samstag spontan eingereicht werden.

hcalendar logo This content includes Microformats hCalendar information.

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[Samstag, 20110917, 14:28 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

OpenSSH 5.9 released

OpenSSH 5.9 has been released. It’s be available from the mirrors listed at

  • Introduce sandboxing of the pre-auth privsep child using an optional sshd_config(5) „UsePrivilegeSeparation=sandbox” mode that enables mandatory restrictions on the syscalls the privsep child can perform. This intention is to prevent a compromised privsep child from being used to attack other hosts (by opening sockets and proxying) or probing local kernel attack surface.
  • ssh(1) now warns when a server refuses X11 forwarding
  • The pre-authentication sshd(8) privilege separation slave process now logs via a socket shared with the master process, avoiding the need to maintain /dev/log inside the chroot.
  • sshd_config(5)’s AuthorizedKeysFile now accepts multiple paths, separated by whitespace. The undocumented AuthorizedKeysFile2 option is deprecated (though the default for AuthorizedKeysFile includes .ssh/authorized_keys2)
  • ssh_config(5) „Host” options now support negated Host matching

All changes since OpenSSH 5.8.

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[Samstag, 20110917, 14:21 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Ladytrons „Gravity The Seducer” available

The wait is over. Ladytron’s fifth full length album, Gravity The Seducer, is in stores!

Ladytron 'Gravity The Seducer' cover

Purchase a Gravity The Seducer CD/LP from your favorite record store or one of these retailers:

Online Listening Party

Still haven’t heard Gravity The Seducer? Stream the full album for free on Soundcloud.

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[Samstag, 20110917, 13:23 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape #41 „Vision Pearl” is out

Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape 41

Time for a break from the everyday grind! Our latest compilation promises a great mix of laid-back Mediterranean moments and an extra dose of sunny sounds, dedicated to a very special concept car: the maritime-inspired Mercedes-Benz Viano VISION PEARL. Living up to this inspiration, our perfect soundtrack for leisurely hours and extended excursions features four bonus songs by up-and-coming talents – beyond the usual mix of ten tracks.

Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape 41 „Vision Pearl”

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[Samstag, 20110917, 13:04 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Georg Schramm über Politiker, deren Sprache und die Medien

Georg Schramm aus seinem Programm „Meister Yodas Ende – Über die Zweckentfremdung der Demenz”.

Via anChVIE.

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[Mittwoch, 20110914, 22:14 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Sometimes I Hate Working in IT

Sometimes I Hate Working in IT

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[Montag, 20110912, 07:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Living In The Future IXX

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[Sonntag, 20110911, 22:44 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Burning Man 2011 Awesomeness

Duane Flatmo’s El Pulpo Mechanico


Dalek Art Car


Doctor Who and the Tardis


Marco Cochrane - Truth and Beauty … a female torso


Hot Air Balloon Ride over Burning Man 2011


Garden of Rockets


The Wet Dream Umbrella LED Rain Art


Burning Man Road Trip 2011 from MarkDayComedy


Burning Man - Trey Ratcliff

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[Sonntag, 20110911, 13:12 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links for 2011-09-11

BBC News - Tanks test infrared invisibility cloak

Developed by BAE Systems, the Adaptiv technology allows vehicles to mimic the temperature of their surroundings. It can also make a tank look like other objects, such as a cow or car, when seen through heat-sensitive ‘scopes.

History of the Internet of Things | Postscapes

This article should give you at least a partial picture of the „Internet of Things” march from its first glimpses into today’s trending topic.

IKEA Redesigns Classic Bookshelf, Foreshadows the Demise of Books - TIME NewsFeed

According to The Economist, IKEA will release a new version of its classic BILLY bookshelf next month, one that’s focused less on storing books than storing, well, anything and everything else. The company is finding that customers use their shelves increasingly for “ornaments, tchotchkes and the odd coffee-table tome,” and less so for reading material.

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[Sonntag, 20110911, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

BBC - The Perfect Suit

The Perfect Suit is a witty exploration of the evolution of the gentleman’s suit. Presenter and journalist Alastair Sooke only owns one suit but he is fascinated by how the matching jacket and trousers has become a uniform for men. Over the last 100 years the suit has evolved from working man’s Sunday best to the casual wear of Royalty. But, for many, „the suit” is synonymous with all that is dull. So tailor Charlie Allen, Gordon Richardson, chief designer at a leading high street menswear brand, and Sir Paul Smith all show Alastair how the suit can be a cutting-edge fashion item and „armour” to face the world.

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

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[Samstag, 20110910, 13:46 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Come Into the Cloud And Virtualize They Say ...

… it’s so reliable and cheap, they said …

Microsoft online services hit by major failure

Office 365 Microsoft’s cloud computing suite Office 365 went offline briefly, along with Hotmail and Skydrive

Google Docs Goes Dark In Evening Cloud Outage

Google Docs, Google’s cloud-based suite of productivity applications, suffered a brief outage on Wednesday night, with some Google Docs cloud services going down for roughly an hour.

Amazon Web Services suffers another outage as Irish datacentre woes continue

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers suffered more problems overnight after technical problems with the firm’s Elastic Cloud Compute platform led to outages for big name web firms including Reddit, Quora, Foursquare and Hootsuite. […] The outage has now been resolved, but comes just a day after AWS customers in Europe were affected by a lightning strike on the cloud computing firm’s Dublin datacentre.

VMware to raise prices in Europe, Australia and New Zealand by 10% starting Sep. 2

The official motivation for this notable change is the high currency volatility in Europe. Anyway it’s worth to note that VMware always required its worldwide distributors to pay all prices in US Dollars.

Except for US, Citrix to Raise Prices 10 Percent

Citrix Systems will raise prices across all of its product lines by 10 percent worldwide except for the U.S., a promised move that reflects increasing business costs caused by the lower U.S. dollar, the vendor said Monday.

Google Raises App Engine Prices, Developers Furious

A few months back, in May, the Mountain View based tech giant publicly announced for the first time that it would introduce some changes in the pricing scheme of the App Engine. App Engine happens to be Google’s massively popular platform, aimed at the purpose of service offering. […] However, after the company introduced to the users a way to calculate the new rates and their detailed comparison with the older ones, developers start comprehending the fact that their expenditures could take a steady up turn after the pricing changes are deployed.

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[Samstag, 20110910, 13:37 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Soup is hiring! is looking for:

Javascript developer (m/f)

We are looking for someone to take care of a large amount of client-side JS code, that is used and needed to fuel the product. All aspects, from simple bug fixing to the general architecture, technology choice and product development will be part of your work. If you have already done work with either Python or Ruby (on Rails) this is great, but not necessary.

Operations Generalist (m/f)

Soup needs someone that takes care of a growing stack of servers and software components in a holistic fashion, meaning that you really care how all the machines are doing, what we could do to improve speed and uptime, while at the same time growing the service and the userbase. You’ll need to move terabytes of data, control multiple instances of our application and some cloud knowledge would come in handy too. Familiarity with PostgreSQL is required, experience with scaling (replication, etc.).

More details.

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[Samstag, 20110910, 13:21 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links for 2011-09-10

Schule heute: „Garbage in, garbage out” -

Wie können wir uns damit abfinden, dass unsere Schulen zu Produzenten von potemkinschen Informationsdörfern verkommen sind, die in der Folge in der Sonne des Lebens schmelzen; und bestenfalls bleibt das eine oder andere Bruchstück an brauchbarem Wissen und Können zurück? Wie können wir ein so teures, ineffektives System finanzieren?

Und wie können wir es mit unserem Gewissen vereinbaren, dass unsere Kinder in jüngeren Jahren oft Märchen von Autonomie, Demokratie und Selbstbestimmung aufgetischt bekommen, während sie im Heranwachsen dann in ein autoritäres System hineingeschleudert werden, dass sie gnadenlos und unbarmherzig zu belehren trachtet?

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[Samstag, 20110910, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links for 2011-09-09

Charlie’s Diary

I’m going to turn the TV off on September 11th. And close all the web browser tabs I have open on news sites.

This isn’t to belittle the events of ten years ago, or to show disrespect for the victims and their bereaved: rather, it’s to avoid the narcissistic and indecent media feeding frenzy that battens onto popular sentiment and attempts to jerk every tear from the emotional aftermath of tragedy, the better to milk the advertising revenue stream.

If the media really wanted to mark the occasion respectfully, they’d do so by holding a minutes’ silence at 8:46am EST this Sunday.

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[Freitag, 20110909, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

40 Year Old 3D Computer Graphics

40 Year Old 3D Computer Graphics (Pixar, 1972) from Robby Ingebretsen on Vimeo.

In 1972 Ed Catmull (founder of Pixar) and his colleagues created the world’s first 3D rendered movie, an animated version of Ed’s left hand. This is the film that they produced. It includes some „making of” footage (around 1:30) and some other early experiments.

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[Sonntag, 20110904, 16:29 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Lenovo - For Those Who Do.

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[Sonntag, 20110904, 16:21 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Crazy time to relax

Crazy Time to Relax from iMashup on Vimeo.

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[Sonntag, 20110904, 08:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links for 2011-09-04

Programming Isn’t Fun Any More

That’s the story of my professional career. Trying to learn things fast enough to create programs to solve problems that go away by themselves or weren’t worth spending time on in the first place. Sisyphus had more job satisfaction.

InfoQ: Why Program by Hand in Five Days what You Can Spend Five Years of Your Life Automating?

Terence Parr discusses using automation tools including DSLs to automate the software creation process as much as possible in order to increase output, effectiveness, correctness and velocity.

Weak typing - the lost art of the keyboard

The keyboard is still our main interface to the computer and for many reasons we accept the challenge completely unprepared because we just don’t bother to learn the mechanical skill of touch typing. Just think how much more productive you could be if you could simply think your thoughts or your code onto the keyboard as fast as you could think them.

Touch typing is clearly a skill to be valued.

Or is it?

There is a change in the way we interact with computers and it is mostly due to the use of touch screens. You simply cannot touch type on a mobile phone’s virtual keyboard. When presented with such a thing your only option is to use one or at most two fingers. Given the way that the unit is held you also can’t use the full keyboard style for a two finger peck. It seems that the best you can do is use two thumbs. This is perhaps the biggest change to typing since the introduction of touch typing.

Benedict Cumberbatch interview: On the couch with Mr Cumberbatch | Television & radio | The Observer

But he has, he admits, always wanted to play a spy – „any actor worth their salt would jump at the chance”, he says, „because it’s all about mask shifting”. His opportunity finally came thanks to Tomas Alfredson, who cast him in his adaptation of John Le Carré’s celebrated MI6 thriller – a film that is already being talked about in the industry in hushed, Oscar-worthy tones.

The iconic Cold War spymaster George Smiley is played by Gary Oldman – trading in his usual fire-eating performance for a cloak of impassivity – and Cumberbatch is Peter Guillam, his sidekick in all but name, who puts his own integrity on the line to help him uncover a Russian mole at the heart of the secret service. As eyecatching as the film’s 70s aesthetic – gunmetal London skies, stolen documents in buff folders – are the names populating MI6’s HQ: Colin Firth, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Ciaran Hinds, John Hurt and Tom Hardy. „That’s a call sheet I’m going to frame and keep for ever,” says Cumberbatch.

die holländische Regierung schmeißt Diginotar raus. Sie sind zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass die gesamte Infrastruktur nicht vertrauenswürdig ist - Fefes Blog

Über Eck erfahre ich gerade von ein paar Holländern, dass deren Zertifikate auch zur Absicherung der „Lawful Interception”-Schnittstellen benutzt wurden, also zum Beschnüffeln der Bürger. Ich denke mal, dass das den Ausschlag gegeben haben wird. Das ist ja seit vielen Jahren eine Warnung aus dem CCC bezüglich Lawful Intercept Schnittstellen, dass man da nicht ausschließen kann, dass sich jemand unbefugtes Zugang verschafft.

Jedenfalls ist es beeindruckend, dass die da nicht „too big to fail” gesagt und sich rauszuwieseln versucht haben. Innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Herauskommen des Problems ist die CA futsch. Keine schlechte Zeit!

Fefes Blog

Wenn man schon weltweit „Terroristen” entführt und mit Charterflugzeugen heimlich zu Folterknästen fliegt, dann zahlt man doch wenigstens fristgemäß und vollständig an die Charterfirma. Sonst kommen da doch die ganzen Details raus, wenn die sich ihr Geld einklagen will!

Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: the kind of Internet primer you want to slide under your boss’s door – Boing Boing

Gutenberg to Zuckerberg fills an important gap in the published literature of the Internet: a fast, thoughtful, thought-provoking read for intelligent people who don’t quite get the Internet. We all know these sorts of people – often powerful and accomplished, but at a disadvantage in that they got their start before the net came along. These people struggle to put the Internet in perspective, buffeted on the one side by colleagues who reassure them by telling them that the transformative nature of the net is overstated; on the other by juniors, analysts and press who tell them that they’re doomed unless they rebuild their lives around the net.

Words and music: should books have soundtracks? | Books |

A new company, Booktrack, is devising book-length soundtracks for novels and non-fiction. Is it a good idea? Or do we risk losing the serendipitous soundtracks that already accompany our reading?

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[Sonntag, 20110904, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Ein Schelm, wer da Böses denkt ...

Die Presse berichtet:

Der Verein Arena Wien bekommt die Veranstaltungen für September nicht bewilligt – offenbar wegen Sicherheitsbedenken. Für Obmann Oralek sind die Umstände „verwirrend”. Nächste Verhandlungsrunde ist am Montag.

Verwunderlich sei aber, meint Oralek, dass anderen Veranstaltern die Konzerte auf demselben Areal nicht untersagt wurden – dem Verein allerdings schon.

Gleicher Ort, ein Konzert wird von der Magistratsabteilung bewilligt, ein anderes nicht. Ein Schelm, wer da an „Extrakassen”, „Beratungshonorare” oder „Gratiskarten” denkt.

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[Samstag, 20110903, 17:52 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Doctor Who Theme (With Lyrics!), A Capella

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey! Geronimo! Alons-y!

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[Samstag, 20110903, 17:51 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Die Donau außer Rand und Band

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[Samstag, 20110903, 08:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links for 2011-09-03

Weltverbesserung bei Ars Electronica |

Da kommt die jährliche Extremdosis an inspirierenden Eigenartigkeiten der Ars Electronica gerade recht. Das Linzer Festival für Computer, Kunst und Gesellschaft hat sich dem verschrieben, wofür die Engländer ein wunderbares Wort haben, das sich lose (und jugendfreundlich entschärft) mit Gehirngeschlechtsverkehr übersetzen lässt.

Rhythmisches Auflockern der Hirnwindungen ist Aufgabe und Anliegen der verspielten Vordenker des Digitalen, die in Linz ihre künstlerischen Arbeiten präsentieren. Denn positive Veränderungen brauchen die Chance, zu entstehen. Und wie man dies fördern kann, will das Festival heuer erforschen. Ein willkommener Gegenentwurf zum inneren und äußeren Reformstau.

William Gibson interview: Boing Boing exclusive – Boing Boing

Twitter is really my only experience of social media, so far. I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I’d had access to some sort of agreeable social media in my early teens. I think I would really have liked it, so then I feel a little sorry for my younger self. Then I remember that all of that stuff might still be around, and I feel a huge relief that it isn’t.

Age bias in IT: The reality behind the rumors

Age bias is „something that no [employer] talks about. But it’s a reality in tech that if you’re 45 years of age and still writing C code or Cobol code and making $150,000 a year, the likelihood is that you won’t be employed very long. … „If you’re an unencumbered worker” – that is, single with lots of time to work extra hours and attend training to update your skills – „then you’re ‘young,’” she says. … The difficulty for programmers is twofold: For one thing, the desired skills keep changing and changing again, requiring them to refresh their talents on a nearly continuous basis. And, unlike managers, programmers often don’t have a clear career path within an organization. … He was hired by the city of Alexandria 11 years ago to service a Cobol-based payroll system, with the understanding that the system was scheduled to be phased out within a year and a half (but that has yet to happen, O’Connor points out with some amusement).

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[Samstag, 20110903, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)


Could we please have more of this and less of the USA-centric Wild Wild West Steampunk/Mashups? Thank you!

The first trailer for Thelomeris, a Hungarian movie about a spooky clockworks factory that churns out endless product made by slave labor, offers a dark look at the indie sci-fi film’s steampunk aesthetic:

Dirigibles, flying bicycles and Victorian gentlemen collide with bizarre, insectoid creatures in a striking animated short by Hungarian student Emil Goodman. The 27-year old filmmaker crafted Henry Waltz, embedded above, as a prelude to what he envisions as a full-blown feature:

HENRY WALTZ - VISUAL TEASER from Emil Goodman on Vimeo.

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[Freitag, 20110902, 12:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

We Stopped Dreaming :(

Righteous rant from Neil deGrasse Tyson on how Congress is mortgaging the future of America:

Wo sind die Zeiten geblieben, in denen Politiker gesagt haben Ok, das kostet viel Geld. Es ist schwierig und kompliziert und vielleicht funktioniert es nicht. Aber wir tun es trotzdem, weil wir kühn sein wollen. anstatt sich in „Sommergesprächen” hinter NLP-trainierten Phrasen zu verstecken?

See more ...

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[Freitag, 20110902, 07:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links for 2011-09-02

The Mechanic Muse — From Scroll to Screen -

Something very important and very weird is happening to the book right now: It’s shedding its papery corpus and transmigrating into a bodiless digital form, right before our eyes. We’re witnessing the bibliographical equivalent of the rapture. If anything we may be lowballing the weirdness of it all.

The last time a change of this magnitude occurred was circa 1450, when Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type. But if you go back further there’s a more helpful precedent for what’s going on. Starting in the first century A.D., Western readers discarded the scroll in favor of the codex — the bound book as we know it today.

CERN announces the Collide@CERN artists’ residency programme

Collide@CERN is an international competition that will run for a period of three years. Each year, artists working in different art forms will have the opportunity to take up a funded residency of up to three months.

Feynsinn » Verdachtsunabhängig

Und jetzt die Masterfrage: Wozu brauchen wir – ‘im Internet’ oder sonstwo – eine Sammlung von persönlichen Daten aller Menschen, die sich in der Bundesrepublik aufhalten, ohne dass sie irgend einer Straftat verdächtig sind? Weil jeder von uns einen Kinderpornoring gründen könnte? Weil wir alle Sprengstoff herstellen wollen könnten? Weil wir organisierte Spontanhandlungen verhindern wollen? Oder geht es am Ende doch um illegale Datentransfers, Urheberrechtsverletzungen, für deren Nachweis kein Richter eine Spitzelgenehmigung erteilt, weil das eben keine schwere Straftat ist?

Also noch mal zum Mitschreiben: Verdachtsunabhängige Ermittlung ist das Kennzeichen des Überwachungsstaats. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob sie ‘im Internet’ oder sonstwo zur Anwendung kommt. Sie gehört verboten.

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[Freitag, 20110902, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links for 2011-09-01

Personal names around the world

This article will first introduce you to some of the different styles used for personal names, and then some of the possible implications for handling those on the Web.

IBM100 - Popularizing Math and Science

From the company’s earliest days, Thomas Watson Sr. had lofty ambitions for its impact on the world. But it was his son who launched what became the shadow function of IBM: educating the world on the nature and potential of information, science and mathematics. This deeper, long-term educational mission was central to Watson Jr.’s notion that “good design is good business.” And central to that mission was the work of the Eameses.

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[Donnerstag, 20110901, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)


„Leyrers Online Pamphlet“ ist die persönliche Website von mir, Martin Leyrer. Die hier veröffentlichten Beiträge spiegeln meine Ideen, Interessen, meinen Humor und fallweise auch mein Leben wider.
The postings on this site are my own and do not represent the positions, strategies or opinions of any former, current or future employer of mine.
Impressum / Offenlegung gemäß § 25 Mediengesetz


Me, Elsewhere

Tag Cloud

2007, 2blog, 2do, 2read, a-trust,, a1, accessability, acta, advent, age, ai, amazon, ankündigung, apache, apple, at, audio, austria, backup, barcamp, basteln, bba, big brother awards, birthday, blog, blogging, book, books, browser, Browser_-_Firefox, bruce sterling, buch, bürgerkarte, cars, cartoon, ccc, cfp, christmas, cloud, coding, collection, command line, commandline, computer, computing, concert, conference, copyright, covid19, css, database, date, datenschutz, debian, delicious, demokratie, design, desktop, deutsch, deutschland, dev, developer, development, devops, digitalisierung, digitalks, dilbert, disobay, dna, dns, Doctor Who, documentation, Domino, domino, Douglas Adams, download, downloads, drm, dsk, dvd, e-card, e-government, e-mail, e-voting, E71, education, Ein_Tag_im_Leben, elga, email, encryption, essen, eu, EU, event, events, exchange, Extensions, fail, fedora, feedback, film, firefox, flash, flightexpress, food, foto, fsfe, fun, future, games, gaming, geek, geld, git, gleichberechtigung, google, graz, grüne, grüninnen, hack, hacker, handtuch, handy, hardware, HHGTTG, history, how-to, howto, hp, html, humor, IBM, ibm, ical, iCalendar, image, innovation, intel, internet, internet explorer, iot, iphone, ipod, isp, IT, it, itfails, itfailsAT, itfailsDE, java, javascript, job, jobmarket, journalismus, keyboard, knowledge, konzert, language, laptop, law, lego, lenovo, life, links, Linux, linux, linuxwochen, linuxwochenende, live, living, living, lol, london, lost+found, Lotus, lotus, Lotus Notes, lotus notes, lotusnotes, LotusNotes, lotusphere, Lotusphere, Lotusphere2006, lotusphere2007, lotusphere2008, Lotusphere2008, lustig, m3_bei_der_Arbeit, mac, mail, marketing, mathematik, media, medien, metalab, Microsoft, microsoft, mITtendrin, mITtendrin, mobile, mood, motivation, movie, mp3, multimedia, music, musik, männer, nasa, nerd, netwatcher, network, netzpolitik, news, nokia, notes, Notes, Notes+Domino, office, online, OOXML, open source, openoffice, opensource, orf, orlando, os, outlook, patents, pc, pdf, performance, perl, personal, php, picture, pictures, podcast, politics, politik, pr, press, press, presse, privacy, privatsphäre, productivity, programming, protest, public speaking, qtalk, quintessenz, quote, quotes, radio, rant, rant, recherche, recht, release, review, rezension, rezension, rip, rss, science, search, security, server, settings, sf, shaarli, Show-n-tell thursday, sicherheit, silverlight, smtp, SnTT, social media, software, sony, sound, space, spam, sprache, sprache, spö, ssh, ssl, standards, storage, story, stupid, summerspecial, summerspecial, sun, surveillance, sysadmin, talk, talk, talks, technology, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, theme, think, thinkpad, thunderbird, tip, tipp, tools, topgear, torrent, towel, Towel Day, TowelDay, travel, truth, tv, twitter, ubuntu, ui, uk, unix, update, usa, usb, vds, video, video, videoüberwachung, vienna, vim, Vim, vintage, vista, vorratsdatenspeicherung, vortrag, wahl, wcm, wcm, web, web 2.0, web2.0, web20, Web20, webdesign, werbung, wien, wiener linien, wikileaks, windows, windows, windows 7, wired, wishlist, wissen, Wissen_ist_Macht, wlan, work, workshops, wow, writing, wtf, Wunschzettel, wunschzettel, www, xbox, xml, xp, zensur, zukunft, zukunft, zune, österreich, österreich, övp, übersetzung, überwachung

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