Links for 2011-09-03
Weltverbesserung bei Ars Electronica |
Da kommt die jährliche Extremdosis an inspirierenden Eigenartigkeiten der Ars Electronica gerade recht. Das Linzer Festival für Computer, Kunst und Gesellschaft hat sich dem verschrieben, wofür die Engländer ein wunderbares Wort haben, das sich lose (und jugendfreundlich entschärft) mit Gehirngeschlechtsverkehr übersetzen lässt.Rhythmisches Auflockern der Hirnwindungen ist Aufgabe und Anliegen der verspielten Vordenker des Digitalen, die in Linz ihre künstlerischen Arbeiten präsentieren. Denn positive Veränderungen brauchen die Chance, zu entstehen. Und wie man dies fördern kann, will das Festival heuer erforschen. Ein willkommener Gegenentwurf zum inneren und äußeren Reformstau.
William Gibson interview: Boing Boing exclusive – Boing Boing
Twitter is really my only experience of social media, so far. I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I’d had access to some sort of agreeable social media in my early teens. I think I would really have liked it, so then I feel a little sorry for my younger self. Then I remember that all of that stuff might still be around, and I feel a huge relief that it isn’t.Age bias in IT: The reality behind the rumors
Age bias is „something that no [employer] talks about. But it’s a reality in tech that if you’re 45 years of age and still writing C code or Cobol code and making $150,000 a year, the likelihood is that you won’t be employed very long. … „If you’re an unencumbered worker” – that is, single with lots of time to work extra hours and attend training to update your skills – „then you’re ‘young,’” she says. … The difficulty for programmers is twofold: For one thing, the desired skills keep changing and changing again, requiring them to refresh their talents on a nearly continuous basis. And, unlike managers, programmers often don’t have a clear career path within an organization. … He was hired by the city of Alexandria 11 years ago to service a Cobol-based payroll system, with the understanding that the system was scheduled to be phased out within a year and a half (but that has yet to happen, O’Connor points out with some amusement). Tagged as: delicious, links | Author: Martin Leyrer
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