Links from 2012-10-26

Studie: Filesharer kaufen mehr Musik als Nicht-Filesharer | heise online

Fefe meint: Tauschbörsenbenutzer haben eine um den Faktor 5 größere Musiksammlung, aber die Liste der gekauften Musikstücken darin ist auch um den Faktor 3 größer. Das sind also die Großkunden der Musikindustrie, die sie da abmahnen, und dann rumheulen, dass ihnen der Absatzmarkt wegbricht.

LulzBot AO-100 3D printer now FSF-certified to respect your freedom — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) today awarded its first Respects Your Freedom (RYF) certification to the LulzBot AO-100 3D Printer sold by Aleph Objects, Inc. The RYF certification mark means that the product meets the FSF’s standards in regard to users’ freedom, control over the product, and privacy. The LulzBot model AO-100 3D printer can be purchased from

How Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology works - Boing Boing

Each camera is recording at all times, so no matter what mode you’re in, it’ll be recording off all four of the cameras… it shows you a picture the car, it shows you a picture of the plate that it caught and then what it does is it takes that image and using optical character recognition it will compare it to a database. In our case we are running multiple databases – we have ‘wanted felony vehicles,’ ‘be on the lookout,’ ‘24 hour hotsheet,’ ‘wanted by detectives,’ ‘LA County warrants,’ and our ‘gang unit.’ In addition to this we have ‘stolen vehicles,’ which are available to everybody in the state. Currently in our database we have 24,000,000 plus reads.

Nach Google und Facebook liest jetzt auch Microsoft mit |

Seit 19. Oktober müssen User somit zustimmen, dass ihre „Inhalte“ (z.B. Daten, Dokumente, Fotos, Video, Musik, E-Mail und Sofortnachrichten) von Microsoft „genutzt, geändert, angepasst, gespeichert, vervielfältigt, verteilt und angezeigt werden dürfen“ und beispielsweise Informationen aus E-Mail-Nachrichten, Chats oder Fotos filtert (und gegebenenfalls auch entfernt). Nur wer der „erweiterten Verarbeitung“ seiner Daten zustimmt, kann die Microsoft-Angebote nutzen. Damit befindet sich Microsoft nun fast auf der gleichen Stufe wie Google.

David Allen on How to Fix Your Life - Atlantic Mobile

Sure, well, I use Lotus Notes, because we use that as our enterprise application, and I use the e-productivity add-on to the Lotus Notes that my friend Eric Mack designed, which turbocharges the list management and the e-mail and calendar management within that context in a GTD kind of way. So that’s how I manage [my] calendar and my action list and so forth. I’m still syncing to a BlackBerry, because we haven’t upgraded our back-end server so we can do these on iPhones; I will do that as soon as we can do that.

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[Samstag, 20121027, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-10-21

Chefs in a city under siege - Charlie’s Diary

News—I use the word to describe the news distribution media—is not about informing us about newsworthy events going on around us. Rather, it’s about delivering captive eyeballs to advertisers who in turn pay the news media the money they need in order to keep on doing what it is that they do, which is to say, making a profit.

Voyager: the space explorers that are still boldly going to the stars | Science | The Observer

The year 1977 was an important one for music. Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours and the Sex Pistols’ Never Mind the Bollocks were released. Elvis left the building for the last time, dying at the age of only 42. But amid all this rock’n’roll history another less celebrated but far more significant album was quietly being made. Fashioned from copper rather than vinyl, and plated with gold for longevity,The Sounds Of Earth was compiled by the American astronomer Carl Sagan. It was a broader range of music than most of the other albums released that year, aiming to encapsulate 5,000 years of human culture; from an Australian Aborigine song and an Indian raga to Azerbaijani bagpipes, bamboo flutes, Bach, Beethoven and Chuck Berry.

The Future of Microprocessors | May 2011 | Communications of the ACM

In the next two decades, diminishing transistor-speed scaling and practical energy limits create new challenges for continued performance scaling. As a result, the frequency of operations will increase slowly, with energy the key limiter of performance, forcing designs to use large-scale parallelism, heterogeneous cores, and accelerators to achieve performance and energy efficiency. Software-hardware partnership to achieve efficient data orchestration is increasingly critical in the drive toward energy-proportional computing. Our aim here is to reflect and project the macro trends shaping the future of microprocessors and sketch in broad strokes where processor design is going. We enumerate key research challenges and suggest promising research directions. Since dramatic changes are coming, we also seek to inspire the research community to invent new ideas and solutions address how to sustain computing’s exponential improvement.

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[Montag, 20121022, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Principiis obsta! (wieder mal)

ÖVP im Februar 2011 zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung:

Im (umstrittenen) Gesetzesentwurf ist die rechtliche Situation folgendermaßen geregelt: Die Vorratsdaten müssen sechs Monate gespeichert bleiben und werden „ausschließlich aufgrund einer gerichtlich bewilligten Anordnung der Staatsanwaltschaft zur Aufklärung und Verfolgung von schweren Straftaten“ freigegeben. … Genau dort setzt das ÖVP-geführte Justizministerium mit seiner Kritik an: Erstens sei diese Bestimmung vermutlich anfechtbar, weil der Widerspruch zwischen der Formulierung „schwere Straftat“ und der Mindeststrafe von einem Jahr zu groß sei.
ÖVP-Justizsprecher Heribert Donnerbauer zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung (VDS) im April 2011:
„Unter genau geregelten Voraussetzungen und bei Verdacht schwerwiegender Kriminalität kann die unabhängige Justiz zugreifen, kontrollieren und ermitteln.”
Christian Auinger vom Justizministerium im September 2012 zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung (via @socialhack):
Ebenfalls angeschnitten wurde von Auinger das Thema der Auskunftspflicht von Internetprovidern bei illegalen Downloads. […] „Die wesentliche politische Frage ist aber, ob man hier Vorratsdaten verwenden wird können oder nicht. Nach meiner Ansicht wird es ohne wohl nicht viel bringen.”


Um mit fefe zu sprechen: DAMIT konnte jetzt aber wirklich niemand rechenen!!!!!!


P.S.: Nicht vergessen, sowohl ÖVP als auch SPÖ haben die EG-Richtlinie Nummer 2006/24/EG zur Data-Retention am 14. Dezember 2005 verabschiedet.

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[Montag, 20121015, 18:11 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-10-13

Are Smartphones Triggering a Productivity Boom? A Q&A with David AllenChief Mobility Officer

One of the great benefits of mobile technology and devices is that they can make it really obvious when you don’t know what you’re doing — it’s forcing a whole lot of people to be executives about their own lives. Executives have always had the problem of I have too much information, I have to triage, make some sort of order out of all this. That’s always been true, it’s just that now you probably have half the workforce – not just 1 percent – that has to do the same thing.

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[Sonntag, 20121014, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-10-10

Texas schools punish students who refuse to be tracked with microchips — RT

A school district in Texas came under fire earlier this year when it announced that it would require students to wear microchip-embedded ID cards at all times. Now students who refuse to be monitored say they are feeling the repercussions. Some pupils say they are already seeing the impact, though, and it’s not one they are very anxious to experience. Students who refuse to walk the schoolhouse halls with a location-sensitive sensor in their pocket or around their neck are being tormented by instructors and being barred from participating in certain school-wide functions, with some saying they are even being turned away from common areas like cafeterias and libraries.

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[Donnerstag, 20121011, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-10-05

Defining the deployment deliverable in DevOps

Dan Zentgraf of Ascendent Technology, an IBM Business Partner, describes the challenges inherent in transforming from traditional development approaches to emerging DevOps practices and the changes required to do so.

Work offline with HTML5 web storage

HTML5, the new HTML standard, supports a wide array of new functions and layout techniques. It fully supports multimedia, CSS3, and drawing capabilities with canvas and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). HTML5 offers new semantic elements, and also provides a legitimate way to create HTML web applications using application cache, JavaScript workers, a new version of XMLHttpRequest, and something called web storage. This article discusses the power of web storage and why it’s a better storage method than cookies. Learn about the basic concepts, browser support, and the HTML5 web storage objects.

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[Samstag, 20121006, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-10-03

„Digitale Demenz“: Analoge Ignoranz spielt mit den Ängsten der Menschen - Wirtschaft - FAZ

„Wer auf die elektronische Aufrüstung seines Heimes verzichtet, büßt keine Lebensqualität ein.“ Heute, fast 30 Jahre später, wissen wir es besser. Mehr als drei Viertel der Deutschen sind im Internet unterwegs, der Computer gehört zur Standardausstattung der meisten Haushalte, und Smartphones begleiten uns in vielen Lebenssituationen.

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[Donnerstag, 20121004, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-10-01

Tune DB2 database on Windows in eight simple steps

Performance issues can be difficult to diagnose and fix. Often issues crop up when least expected. Usually, they gradually develop and sometimes can cause outage of the application using the database. It is important from the DBA’s point of view to be aware of a proactive approach to addressing performance even before it starts hurting the business. This article discusses an analytical process that will help DBAs to get to the root of the issue in a few simple steps.

Linux for Windows systems administrators

Use your existing Windows systems administration skills to ease the learning curve for Linux systems administration and broaden your skill set. This knowledge path guides you through the process from understanding the file system and files to managing accounts, running software, and monitoring and maintenance to put you on the fast track to managing servers that run on a variety of hardware architectures.

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[Dienstag, 20121002, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)


„Leyrers Online Pamphlet“ ist die persönliche Website von mir, Martin Leyrer. Die hier veröffentlichten Beiträge spiegeln meine Ideen, Interessen, meinen Humor und fallweise auch mein Leben wider.
The postings on this site are my own and do not represent the positions, strategies or opinions of any former, current or future employer of mine.
Impressum / Offenlegung gemäß § 25 Mediengesetz


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