Useful things
Useful, needful things I found in the last few weeks.
pastebin helps to collaborate on debugging code snippets. You submit a code fragment to pastebin, getting a url like Then you can post this URL wherever you like and someone can respond to that by reading and perhaps submitting a modification of your code. You can then view the modification, use the built in diff tool, etc. I am still missing Lotusscript and the @-Formulas of Lotus Notes, but everything else is there.Regular Expression Cheat Sheet
Very usefull!CoreUtils for Windows
The GNU Core Utilities are the basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system. These are the core utilities which are expected to exist on every operating system. Now also available on Windows.PizzaGuard
Jeder Computernutzer kennt das Problem: Arbeit wie Spiel machen hungrig, und an die eiligst in den Backofen geschobene Tiefkühlpizza wird erst wieder gedacht, wenn diese schon längst ein schwarzer Klumpen ist. Hier schafft PizzaGuard Abhilfe! Sie geben die Backzeit an, PizzaGuard erinnert Sie pünktlich an deren Ende - natürlich sowohl akustisch wie visuell, damit der Pizzagenuss nie gefährdet wird.
Passing Tamper-Proof QueryString Parameters
There are times where important state needs to be passed through the querystring and, under no circumstances, should be it be able to be modified by the end user. In this article we’ll look at how to use one-way hashes to create tamper-proof URLs. As we’ll see, only a few short lines of code are needed to both generate the signature on the page generating the hyperlink and validating the signature on the „receiving” page. Tagged as: linkdump, links, lost+found, tools | Author: Martin Leyrer
[Samstag, 20060204, 12:25 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)
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