Soviel zum Thema Quotenregelung
Quotenregelungen sind ja sooo super, um etwas Gutes für die armen, unterdrückten, benachteiligten Frauen zu tun. Anscheinen aber nur, solange sie den Frauen helfen. Wenn sie konsequent angewendet werden, also beispielsweise auch, um einem Frauenüberhang entgegenzuwirken, sind sie gleich wieder böse:
While American colleges were roughly balanced between male and female students a generation ago, now most schools have more women than men. Some have many more.Quelle: The News Tribune – Its time to solve The Boy Problem in our schools
Which has led some though none yet in Washington to have lower admissions standards for boys than girls. They have, in effect, affirmative action for males, including white males.An admissions officer of a small liberal arts college used a New York Times op-ed article to lament how she had been forced to reject female applicants who were stronger than male applicants, all in the name of gender balance. That fact hit home when her own daughter was applying to colleges and was wait-listed at a school that she should have been well-qualified for.
We have told todays young women that the world is their oyster, wrote Jennifer Delahunty Britz of Kenyon College. The problem is, so many of them believed us that the standards for admission to todays most selective colleges are stiffer for women than men. Hows that for an unintended consequence of the womens liberation movement.
Können wir als endlich diese sch… Quotenregelung hinter uns lassen und Personen nur abhängig von Ihrem Können und Ihrer Persönlichkeit beurteilen und nicht davon, ob sie nun Männlein, Weiblein oder etwas dazwischen sind? Danke!
Tagged as: gleichberechtigung, männer, rant | Author: Martin Leyrer
[Sonntag, 20081123, 17:36 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)
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