Links from 2012-02-02
Feds Seize 307 Sports-Related Domains Ahead of Super Sunday | Threat Level |
Federal authorities said Thursday they had seized and shuttered 307 domains, 16 allegedly engaged in unauthorized live sports streaming and the remainder accused of selling fake professional sports merchandise, including National Football League paraphernalia. “While most people are focusing on whether the Patriots or Giants will win on Sunday, we at ICE have our sights on a different type of victory: defeating the international counterfeiting rings that illegally profit off of this event, the NFL, its players and sports fans,” said ICE Director Morton. Federal authorities are taking .com, .org. and .net domains under the same civil-seizure law the government invokes to seize brick-and-mortar drug houses, bank accounts and other property tied to alleged illegal activity. The feds are able to seize the domains because Verisign, which controls the .net and .com names, and the Public Interest Registry, which runs .org, are U.S.-based organizationsKey Internet operator VeriSign hit by hackers | Reuters
VeriSign Inc, the company in charge of delivering people safely to more than half the world’s websites, has been hacked repeatedly by outsiders who stole undisclosed information from the leading Internet infrastructure company. The previously unreported breaches occurred in 2010 at the Reston, Virginia-based company, which is ultimately responsible for the integrity of Web addresses ending in .com, .net and .gov. The VeriSign attacks were revealed in a quarterly U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing in October that followed new guidelines on reporting security breaches to investors. It was the most striking disclosure to emerge in a review by Reuters of more than 2,000 documents mentioning breach risks since the SEC guidance was published.Novelle zum Sicherheitspolizeigesetz: Innenausschuss weist Bedenken zurück |
Von einer Aushöhlung der bürgerlichen Freiheiten und des Rechtsstaates wollten die Abgeordneten von ÖVP und SPÖ nichts wissen. Nicht einmal Johann Maier (SPÖ), seines Zeichens Vorsitzender des Österreichischen Datenschutzrates, sah in der geplanten Ausdehnung der „erweiterten Gefahrenerforschung” auf Einzelpersonen ein Problem. Dabei könne der einzelne Bürger schon durch unbedachte Äußerungen zum potentiellen Überwachungsobjekt werden; Observation oder der Einsatz verdeckter Ermittler mit Ton- und Bildaufnahmegeräten sind dann auch hinsichtlich einzelner Personen zulässige Überwachungsmethoden, wie Albert Steinhauser, Justizsprecher der Grünen, im Vorfeld kritisiert hatte. Tagged as: delicious, links | Author: Martin Leyrer
[Donnerstag, 20120202, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)
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