#NoPNR: Schreibe Deinen Abgeordneten!

Das Europäische Parlament wird demnächst über das EU-USA-PNR Abkommen abstimmen. NoPNR und VIBE!AT rufen im Vorfeld zu einer Kampagne gegen das umstrittene Abkommen auf. European Digital Rights (EDRi) unterstützt die Aktion.

Am 26. März wird im Europäischen Parlament eine erste richtungsweisende Vorentscheidung über das mehr als umstrittene Abkommen über die Weitergabe von europäischen Fluggastdaten an die US-Behörden (PNR) getroffen: Die Mitglieder des Innenausschusses (LIBE) stimmen über einen internen Bericht ab, in dem die Berichterstatterin Sophia in’t Veld den Abgeordneten empfiehlt, das von der Kommission mit den USA ausverhandelte Abkommen abzulehnen.

Viele Abgeordnete sind aber noch unentschlossen (insbesondere Sozialdemokraten) oder wollen das strittige Abkommen dennoch unterstützen (insbesondere Konservative). Die europäische Initiative NoPNR und der Verein für Internetbenutzer Österreichs (VIBE!AT) rufen daher im Vorfeld der Abstimmung dazu auf, die Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments zu kontaktieren, um sie auf die groben Mängel des PNR-Abkommens in Bezug auf den Schutz der Grundrechte und der bürgerlichen Grundfreiheiten aufmerksam zu machen.

Wie bereits zahlreiche Kritiker zuvor, weisen auch die Initiatoren der Kampagne darauf hin, dass das geplante Abkommen europäischen Grundrechtsstandards widerspricht; die weitreichenden Bestimmungen bezüglich des Massendatentransfers personenbezogener Daten und die Speicherdauer von 15 Jahren stellen einen ungerechtfertigten Eingriff in das Recht auf Privatsphäre dar.

Zudem soll nicht nur in einem konkreten Verdachtsfall ermittelt werden, sondern erst der Verdachtsmoment durch die Datenanalyse (Profiling) kreiert, woraufhin anschließend die Unschuld des Betroffenen festgestellt werden muss, warnt Alexander Sandner von NoPNR. Das entspreche einer vollständigen Umkehr der Unschuldsvermutung. Die Maßnahme befinde sich außerdem jenseits jeder Verhältnismäßigkeit.

Bei der Debatte des PNR-Abkommens, die am Montag im LIBE-Ausschuss stattgefunden hat, hat Berichterstatterin in’t Veld unter anderem kritisiert, dass das Abkommen lediglich eine Rechtsgrundlage für die Fluglinien bietet, die schon jetzt (mehr oder weniger freiwillig) die Daten über ihre Fluggäste an die US-Behörden weitergeben. Somit werde vom Parlament verlangt, mit der Zustimmung zum PNR-Abkommen mit den USA „etwas zu legitimieren, was illegal ist” (Mitschnitt der Debatte auf europarl.europa.eu).

Wer sich an der Kampagne gegen das PNR-Abkommen beteiligen möchte, findet auf den Websites von NoPNR und VIBE!AT Mustertexte in deutscher und englischer Sprache sowie eine Liste der EU-Abgeordneten, die kontaktiert werden können.

via unwatched.org

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[Mittwoch, 20120229, 21:27 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape „Precious Selection” is out!

Mit zehn Soundperlen aus aller Welt hält die aktuelle Auswahl viele außergewöhnliche Überraschungen bereit.
Unsere aktuelle Mixed Tape-Mischung ist ausgesprochen international und breit gefächert: Von Nu Soul bis Modern Folk bzw. von Bahrain bis Kanada sind viele Genres und Nationalitäten vertreten, die der Compilation eine Extraportion Schwung, Glanz und Energie verleihen. Abgerundet wird dieses kompakte Soundpaket durch ein faszinierendes Coverdesign des holländischen Illustrators Raymond Lemstra, der in seinen Werken skurrile, retrofuturistische Kreaturen zum Leben erweckt, die uns auf einen Exkurs ins Reich kindlicher Fantasie entführen. Mehr zu Lemstra und seiner ganz eigenen Bildwelt, gibt es bald an dieser Stelle zu lesen - mit einem Beitrag am 29. Februar.

Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape „Precious Selection”

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[Mittwoch, 20120229, 21:22 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-28

IBM’s 3D qubit device brings quantum computing even closer - Qubits get longer life | TechEye

IBM says it has made a significant advance towards creating mind-bendingly powerful quantum computers with it superconducting 3D qubit device. With experts hoping to construct a full working quantum computer in the next decade or so, the ability by IBM boffins to reduce errors in quantum processing and withhold information has made this even more likely. Qubits, or quantum bits, are the basic units of information used to process information in a quantum computer. Unlike ‘bits’ used in regular computers, which can switch between 0 and 1, quantum bits can be either 0 or 1. Rather more perplexingly, the weird world of quantum mechanics means that they can also be both at the same time. It is this ability to exist in multiple states that opens up potential for massively increased computing power.

Nature News Special : Alan Turing at 100

Alan Turing, born a century ago this year, is best known for his wartime code-breaking and for inventing the ‘Turing machine’ – the concept at the heart of every computer today. But his legacy extends much further: he founded the field of artificial intelligence, proposed a theory of biological pattern formation and speculated about the limits of computation in physics. In this collection of features and opinion pieces, Nature celebrates the mind that, in a handful of papers over a tragically short lifetime, shaped many of the hottest fields in science today.

StalkR’s Blog: SSH/HTTP(S) multiplexing with sshttp

Sebastian Krahmer (@steaIth, c-skills) made and released a nice SSH/HTTP(S) multiplexer: sshttp. Such a program is needed when you want to share your HTTP (or HTTPS) port with SSH to be able to use SSH when behind a network that only allows outbound connections to HTTP (or HTTPS) and does not bother to do protocol inspection. Learn more by reading the readme. I was previously using sslh but sshttp has a killer feature: it uses Linux IP_TRANSPARENT feature with netfilter trickery (marking + specific routing table) to pass the original IP to destination (sshd or httpd). Since it’s a great program, not necessarily easy to set up (not yet? packaged), in this post I’m sharing my setup.

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[Mittwoch, 20120229, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-26

Microprocessor Systems - Lecture 1 - YouTube

Microprocessor Systems 1 is a one-semester course taken by third year Electronic, Electronic/Computer and Computer Engineering students. It covers the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) of a typical microprocessor- based computer, the Motorola MC68000, and equips students with a knowledge of the architecture, the associated assembly language, input/output programming techniques, exceptions (including interrupts) and exception-handling techniques. The module concludes with a simple introduction to the bus and instruction timing estimation. This course is intended to enable students to design and develop programmes and programme ‘architectures’, to test and debug programs and to analyse and modify their execution behaviour, based on a thorough familiarity with the low-level architecture of a computer.

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[Montag, 20120227, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-25

WebSphere Portal Family wiki: Developing an Exceptional Web Experience: Leveraging Reverse AJAX in IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 using Dojo CometD and Web messaging service

The Reverse Asynchronous JavaTM and XML (AJAX) technology enables dynamic content to be delivered to the browser, thus improving application performance by eliminating the need for constant polling. This technology can be used in many scenarios to deliver an excellent user experience. For example, a news portal can push the news to a user’s browser when it becomes available, without needing user action and without needing to keep refreshing or re-rendering the whole page. Another scenario is to display an up-to-date task list to which the server pushes the new task once it is created, so that the task owner doesn’t need to keep pulling the updates. In this article we go through all the steps needed to leverage Reverse AJAX in portlets using Dojo CometD implementation. We develop a Task List portlet that displays a set of tasks assigned to the logged-in user and to which the server keeps pushing any new tasks, using reverse AJAX.

Ruling Stands: Defendant Must Decrypt Laptop | Threat Level | Wired.com

A federal appeals court is rejecting an appeal from a bank-fraud defendant who has been ordered to decrypt her laptop so its contents can be used in her criminal case. Colorado federal authorities seized the encrypted Toshiba laptop from defendant Ramona Fricosu in 2010 with valid court warrants while investigating alleged mortgage fraud, and demanded she decrypt it by typing in her password. In January, U.S. District Judge Robert Blackburn ordered the woman, who faces decades in prison if convicted, to decrypt the laptop by the end of February. Her attorney appealed, hoping to win a reprieve based on the assertion that being forced to decrypt her laptop amounts to a breach of the woman’s Fifth Amendment right against compelled self-incrimination.

Forcing Defendant to Decrypt Hard Drive Is Unconstitutional, Appeals Court Rules | Threat Level | Wired.com

Forcing a criminal suspect to decrypt hard drives so their contents can be used by prosecutors is a breach of the Fifth Amendment right against compelled self-incrimination, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday.

Ein Aussteiger aus der Fefes Blogredaktion packt aus - Pastebin.com

Nach all den Diskussionen um die journalistischen und ethischen Standards bei Fefes Blog möchte ich nun an die Öffentlichkeit treten und einen lange unbeachteten Punkt in den Diskurs werfen: die Arbeitsbedingungen in der Redaktion von Fefes Blog. Unter vorgehaltener Hand werden diese oft mit denen der Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter und Transgender-Berufstätigen bei FoxConn verglichen: Unter unwürdigen Umständen müssen die Schreiberlinge mit einem menschenfeindlichen Zeitdruck klarkommen, selbständig CMS ohne jegliche GUI bedienen und die Zumutungen eines cholerischen Chefs ertragen. Die im Webteam beschäftigten Arbeiter mussten in mühevoller monatelanger Kleinarbeit XSLT-Filter schreiben, um jegliche Spuren des 150 Server starken verteilten Echtzeit-Java- und php-Backends zu vertuschen, außerdem Randgruppen-Browser für die Inkompatibilitätstests benutzen und Markov-Ketten-Generatoren für Füllabsätze trainieren.

Steve Kordek, Innovator of Pinball Game, Dies at 100 - NYTimes.com

Steve Kordek, who revolutionized the game of pinball in the 1940s by designing what became the standard two-flipper machine found in bars and penny arcades around the world, died on Sunday at a hospice in Park Ridge, Ill. He was 100.

Stop paying your jQuery tax

We spend an inordinate amount of time shaving 10% off our backend time but often forget the golden rule, in general the largest bottleneck is your front end. We should not feel powerless to attack the front end performance issues and can do quite a lot to improve JavaScript bottlenecks and perceived user performance.

Giles Bowkett: Making Music With JavaScript Is Easy: Free 35-Minute Video Shows You How

I recently figured out how to use Socket.io and Node.js to control the speed of a CSS3 animation with a synthesizer

Amazon nimmt tausende E-Books aus dem Verkauf - Techno - KURIER.at

Nachdem der Vertrag mit dem Verleger-Zusammenschluss Independent Publisher Group ausgelaufen ist, wollte Amazon in einer neuen Vereinbarung geringere Einkaufspreise für die E-Books aushandeln. Nachdem die Verhandlungen zu keinem Ergebnis kamen entschied Amazon, die elektronischen Bücher aus dem Verkauf zu nehmen. Gedruckte Ausgaben der Verleger waren dabei nicht betroffen. … Amazons Machtdemonstration könnte das E-Book Geschäft nachhaltig beeinflussen. Experten gehen davon aus, dass der Kindle-Hersteller seine marktbeherrschende Stellung auch in Zukunft bei Preisverhandlungen ausspielen könnte.

Fotogalerien « SCHWERPUNKT « Wirtschaftsblatt.at

Bei einem Jahresumsatz von 31,4 Milliarden € erlöst Amazon 995,7 € pro Sekunde. Die Verkaufsschlager waren die Kindle-Lesegeräte und das neue Amazon Tablet Kindle Fire. Das Tablet habe sich laut Konzernchef Bezos „sowohl in den USA als auch in Europa“ hervorragend verkauft. Das Wachstum des vergangenen Jahres ging allerdings auf Kosten des Gewinns, der um beinahe die Hälfte eingebrochen ist.

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[Sonntag, 20120226, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-24

Using MongoDB with Django

Django, a Python web framework, consists of an object-relational mapper (ORM), back-end controller, and template system. MongoDB is a document-oriented database (also known as a NoSQL database) effective for scaling and high performance. In this article, learn how to call MongoDB from Python (using MongoEngine), and integrate it into a Django project in lieu of the built-in ORM. A sample web interface for creating, reading, writing, and updating data to the MongoDB back end is included.

Neue Studie zu Radarkontrollen: Blitzer verhindern keine Unfälle - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Auto

In einer Untersuchung, die SPIEGEL ONLINE vorliegt, hat Voss untersucht, welche Gruppe von Autofahrern am meisten geblitzt wird - und welche die meisten Unfälle verursacht. Sein Fazit ist eindeutig: „Radarkontrollen führen, so wie sie aktuell durchgeführt werden, nicht zu einer Verminderung des Unfallrisikos.”

Nach dem Turbokapitalismus jetzt die Turboprivatisierung - Fefes Blog

„Wir kaufen euch eure Gefängnisse ab, wenn ihr uns 90% Füllstand garantiert”. Die US-Bundesländer sind praktisch alle hoch verschuldet, insofern ist der Anreiz der kurzzeitigen Cash-Infusion hoch. Das mit dem Füllstand ist ja auch genau der Anreiz, den man der Regierung einer modernen Demokratie geben will! Der Anreiz für den Staat, die Leute mehr zu kriminalisieren! Ich sehe da großartige Synergieeffekte mit ACTA und den anderen Gesetzesentwürfen der Contentmafia!

Fefes Blog

Die Berufung bei dem Ami, der gerichtlich zum Rausrücken seines Laptop-Passworts gezwungen wurde, wurde nicht angenommen. Damit ist das jetzt „Case Law”, dass das Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht in den USA nicht mehr gilt

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[Samstag, 20120225, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-22

Microsoft claims Google bypassed its browser privacy too • The Register

However, if the code is not recognized, Internet Explorer will accept it anyway and allow the requester full access to the user for third-party cookie purposes. Google didn’t do this “in a manner consistent with the technology,” Microsoft suggests, as it used the following message: “P3P: CP=”This is not a P3P policy! See http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=151657 for more info.” Microsoft described being able to bypass its browser’s privacy settings in this way as “a nuance in the P3P specification,” but as was pointed out by El Reg last year and in academic papers in 2010, it’s a tactic that’s been widely used to circumvent the privacy wishes of the browser user. Microsoft is one of a dwindling band of companies still using P3P, and this latest admission will increase the decay in support.

Develop with XQuery: A better programming language for the database programmer

Most programmers think the XQuery language was developed to satisfy a niche market: A data querying and transformation language designed to handle XML data. In the case of relational databases, the prevailing practice is to use SQL for non-XML data and use XQuery for XML. This article makes the case that the powerful programming constructs available in the XQuery language make it a better programming language than SQL, and that this improvement in expressiveness and ease of use is enough to warrant the design of databases with an increasing emphasis on XML data types.

Lord of the Files: How GitHub Tamed Free Software (And More) | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com

GitHub’s geektastic 14,000-square-foot loft mirrors its mission: to democratize computer programming. GitHub.com is best thought of as Facebook for geeks. Instead of uploading videos of your cat, you upload software. Anyone can comment on your code and add to it and build it into something better. The trick is that it decentralizes programming, giving everyone a new kind of control. GitHub has shaken up the way software gets written, making coding a little more anarchic, a little more fun, and a lot more productive. And the software world loves it. GitHub now has more than 1.3 million users, and over 2 million source code repositories — eight times the tally from just two years ago. … Two years ago, GitHub was a team of eight, holding company meetings in San Francisco cafes. … In July, they took over the former digs of blogging outfit Six Apart. GitHub is growing fast — and it hasn’t taken a dime of venture funding.

Schramm kandidiert nicht als Präsident: Das Amt lieber abschaffen - taz.de

Georg Schramm kandidiert nicht für das Amt des Bundespräsidenten. In einer Erklärung fordert er die Abschaffung des Amtes oder eine Direktwahl.

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[Donnerstag, 20120223, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

#incommunicado - dem Michel Reimon sein Buch

When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting in death row
– „Guns of Brixton”, The Clash

Ich schätze den Michel Reimon ja sehr, auch wenn wir bislang kaum direkt etwas miteinander zu tun hatten (Twitter und so halt, aber das zählt ja nicht ;). Mit seinem Roman-Manuskript (Buch im klassischen Sinne ist es ja keines), hab ich mir im Vorfeld trotzdem schwer getan. Ein Buch in deutscher Sprache (ich lese fast ausschließlich englischsprachige „Bücher”). Und dann auch noch ein „politischer Roman”. Uffz.

Nachdem #incommunicado dann doch fast 3 Wochen am Kindle herumlungerte, hab ich mich endlich aufgerafft und hineingelesen. Und was soll ich sagen – ich hab es in zwei „Lesungen” verschlungen.

Michel beschreibt #incommunicado so:
Ich habe einen politischen Roman geschrieben, weil ich etwas zu sagen hatte: Über unsere Kultur, unsere Medien, unsere Demokratie.

Für mich ist #incommunicado ein Samba-Ska-Punk-Rock-Politik-Geschichts-Roadmovie. Mit mehr, besseren und interessanteren Geschichtslektionen, als sie mir meine Mittelschullehrer jemals vermitteln konnten. Man merkt, dass sich Michel mit dem Thema intensiv auseinander gesetzt hat.

Tom und Horst haben die Handlung schon schön zusammengefasst, da brauch ich das nicht nochmal durchkauen. Wer sich für Musik, Musikgeschichte, Urheberrecht, Musikbusiness interessiert, wird mit dem „Buch” seine Freude haben.

Mich erinnerte #incommunicado an die Bücher von Cory Doctorow und Neal Stephenson. An Cory, weil der in seinen „Young Adult Novels” (Little Brother, Makers) gerne aktuelle Themen in eine spannende Handlung packt. Und an Hr. Stephenson, weil der historische Begebenheiten gerne in seine Romane (The Baroque Cycle, Cryptonomicon) einbaut. Und beides hat Michel in seinem Buch, meiner Meinung nach durchaus gelungen, vereint. Einziger „Kritikpunkt”: Manche Teile hätten ein paar Iterationen mit einem Lektor/Editor nötig, damit es „geschmeidiger” wird.

Und da Michel sein Buch selber unter einer CC Lizenz veröffentlicht hat (wie es auch Cory Doctorow macht), anstatt es auf der Festplatte vermodern zu lassen, kann man auch noch mehr draus machen. Was mir bei der Lektüre zu Beispiel sofort abgegangen sind, waren Verweise zu den diversen Zitaten. Sowohl was die Musik betrifft, aber auch zu den historischen Fakten und Geschichten.

Vielleicht finden sich ja ein paar Schulklassen, … die den Text im Rahmen eines Projekts hernehmen, bearbeiten und wieder online stellen – mit Links zu Gedichtstexten, unbeabsichtigten Plagiaten oder dem Druckprivileg. Man könnte das Buch aber z.B. auch auf eine PirateBox laden und zur Anti-ACTA Demo am Samstag mitbringen.

Für alle, die sich aufgrund der ACTA-Thematik mit Urheberrecht, … auseinandersetzen wollen, bietet #incommunicado einen „weichen” Einstieg. Für alle, die sich mit dem Themenkreis bereits intensiver beschäftigt haben, findet sich immer noch das eine oder andere Info-Nugget in dem Roman. Und darüber hinaus wird man von dem Roman auch noch gut unterhalten – was will man mehr?

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[Mittwoch, 20120222, 21:26 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-21

geek with curves: Han Solo’s in Firefly?!

As it turns out, a Han Solo in Carbonite was brought on set since Nathan Fillion is such a huge Star Wars fan. The props team joked around and added it to sets whenever they could, it apparently became a running joke. It didn’t get grabbed out of every scene before shooting though.

7 Firefly nods Nathan Fillion dropped into Castle | Blastr

As anyone who’s been on the Internet for the last week knows, Nathan Fillion and Firefly are still attached at the hip. And even though he’s got a hit crime procedural on ABC, the once and future (if he has his way) Mal Reynolds can’t help but sneak his love for Joss Whedon’s cult hit into his new gig. The references started in Castle’s second season, after the fear of another Fillion show not making it past a first season faded.

Copyright Cheats Face the Music in France - NYTimes.com

Even opponents of Hadopi acknowledge that the law has resulted in a change in online behavior, though they dispute whether its effect on music industry sales has been beneficial. Jérémie Zimmermann, co-founder of La Quadrature du Net, a group that campaigns against restrictions on the Internet, said the law had resulted in increased use of virtual private network software and other anonymity tools. “Apparently some of its intimidation is having a psychological effect,” he said of the three-strikes law, but added: “The political costs of creating an institution like this are tremendous.” Stories like that of Robert Thollot, a teacher who lives near Saint-Étienne, in central France, have not helped. Mr. Thollot was accused of illegally downloading songs by David Guetta and Rihanna, as well as the film “Iron Man 2.”

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[Mittwoch, 20120222, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-20

heise online | Mozilla geht gegen Aussteller von Man-in-the-Middle-Zertifikaten vor

Die Mozilla Foundation fordert in einer Mail an Certification Authorities (CA), auf das Ausstellen von Zertifikaten für Unter-CAs zu verzichten, die zum Überwachen von verschlüsseltem Datenverkehr genutzt werden. Hintergrund ist der vor Kurzem bekanntgewordene Fall der von Trustwave aufgebauten Man-in-the-Middle-CA.

What is a Hacker? with Mitch Altman - The Media Show - YouTube

When someone says they are a hacker, what do they mean? Are they just big computer geeks? Are they doing illegal criminal things, breaking in and stealing passwords? Mitch Altman, inventor of the TV-B-Gone, tells us hacking is about thinking differently about the world around you. Featuring the folks at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco, who show off their projects with bikes, toys, clothes, food, electricity, and even outer space!

Immaterialgüterrechtsverstöße von Internetkontrollextremisten | Telepolis

Das deutsche Immaterialgüterrecht ist so veraltet, dass eigentlich nur totale Technikverweigerer unter Schweigegelübde nicht mit ihm in Konflikt kommen können. Manche Politiker fordern deshalb eine Liberalisierung - andere dagegen eine Verschärfung. Allerdings sind auch Urheberrechtsextremisten keineswegs vor versehentlichen Verletzungshandlungen gefeit, wie das Wiki Netend zeigt. Dort werden Immaterialgüterrechtsverstöße von Politikern gesammelt, die durch besonderen Einsatz für mehr Monopol- und Verbotsrechte für die Rechteverwerterindustrie auf sich aufmerksam machten.

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[Dienstag, 20120221, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-19

FOIA Request Shows Which Printer Companies Cooperated With US Government - Slashdot

Easy enough to avoid government dots; just don’t buy printers from Canon, Brother, Casio, HP, Konica, Minolta, Mita, Ricoh, Sharp, or Xerox.

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[Montag, 20120220, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Politiker - rückgratlose Würmer

Jahrelang wurde ACTA im stillen Kämmerlein, unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit, von diversen Poltikern verhandelt. Einsame Rufer in der Wüste wie Günther Hack oder Erich Möchl wurden belächelt und ignoriert.

Durchgewunken wurde ACTA in Österreich durch den Ministerrat, bestehend aus Politikern von ÖVP und SPÖ.

Vorratsdatenspeicherung – im EU-Parlament1 und im österreichischen Parlament2 mit den Stimmen der SPÖ und der ÖVP durchgewunken.

Aber auf einmal tut sich was:

Und „plötzlich” wachen die opportunistschen Politiker auf. Da wird verbal zurückgerudert, da wird die entgültige Entscheidung auf das EU-Parlament verschoben, da werden Podiusmdiskussionen ausgerufen, die Netzkommunity befragt, usw.

Hallo, liebe Politiker, wollt ihr uns verarschen? Erst Zensurgesetze verabschieden und dann, wenn sich dagegen Widerstand formiert, auf einmal umkippen? Was ist aus „erst denken, dann handeln” geworden?

Ich weiß ja nicht, wass mich mehr ankotzt. Die Verlogenheit der SPÖ Mandatarinnen und Mandatare, VDS und ACTA durchzuwinken bzw. von den eigenen Ministern durchwinken zu lassen und im Anschluss daran dann wieder den Datenschützer zu spielen, oder die Verlogenheit der ÖVP Parteiorganisation (z.B. ÖVP Kultursprecherin Silvia Fuhrmann: „im Internet werden Ängste und Falschinformationen über Acta verbreitet”).

Wobei, eigentlich ärgert mich die Rückgratlosigkeit noch viel mehr. Anstatt zu sagen, die Entscheidung war ein Fehler, wir ziehen diese Entscheidung zurück und ratifizieren ACTA und VDS nicht, wird der schware Peter – wie so oft – mit ungewissem Ausgang an die EU bzw. das EU Parlament geschoben. Feiger geht es wohl kaum.

Man hat wirklich das Gefühl, hier nicht „Profis” in die Regierung gewählt zu haben, die durchdachte Entscheidungen für das Land und dessen Bevölkerung fällen, sondern hinrlose Apparatchiks, Abstimmvieh, das Entscheidungen so trifft, wie sie von irgendwelchen grauen Emminenzen im Hintergrund getroffen werden.

Man kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie man da speiben möchte.

So, ihr dürft mich jetzt Rantbürger nennen.


1 … Jörg Leichtfried (SPÖ), der im EU-Parlament gegen ACTA stimmen will, hatte bereits auch gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung gestimmt.
2 … Der SPÖ-Abgeordnete Johann Maier, der seit 2009 Vorsitzender des Datenschutzrates ist, verließ vor der Abstimmung den Saal.

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[Sonntag, 20120219, 10:56 | permanent link | 1 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-18

World’s First Biological Computer Decrypts Images Stored in DNA - International Business Times

An international team of scientists have created the world’s first biological computer that is made from biological molecules and can decode images stored and encrypted within DNA. Built by U.S. and Israeli researchers from the Scripps Research Institute in California and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have created a computing system from a mixture of DNA molecules, enzymes and ATP, the substance that gives energy for human cells. The computer was able to decrypt information from a DNA chip.

IBM: Future computers will be constant learners

Tomorrow’s computers will constantly improve their understanding of the data they work with, which in turn will help them provide users with more appropriate information, predicted the software mastermind behind IBM’s Watson system. Computers in the future „will learn through interacting with us. They will not necessarily require us to sit down and explicitly program them, but through continuous interaction with humans they will start to understand the kind of data and the kind of computation we need,” said IBM Fellow David Ferrucci, who was IBM’s principal investigator for Watson technologies. Ferrucci spoke at the IBM Smarter Computing Executive Forum, held Wednesday in New York.

Doodle Defense is played with a whiteboard and Kinect | Ubergizmo

If you’re a fan of tower defense games, you’re going to love Doodle Defense – at least I think you will. Played with a whiteboard, a Kinect, a projector, and a Mac computer, Doodle Defense takes drawing games and tower defense to a whole new level. While the concept of the gameplay is the same (prevent units from travelling from the entrance to the exit), how the game is played is very different to what we’re normally used to. Instead of dragging and dropping buildings and towers on our computers, Doodle Defense is played with a marker on a white board. Players use a marker pen to draw mazes in order to slow down the invaders, and towers to destroy them – however, they’ll have a finite supply of ink so they’ll have to use it wisely in order to win the game.

Google Becomes Largest Public DNS Provider - Security - Privacy - Informationweek

Google has become the largest public DNS service in the world, an event that might either please or frighten you, depending on your view of Google. The company launched Google Public DNS in December 2009 and on Tuesday said its service is handling more than 70 billion requests a day.

Building Real Software: Technical Debt - How much is it Really Costing you?

Sonar, an Open Source dashboard for managing code quality, also tries to calculate a technical debt cost for a code base, again using static analysis findings like code coverage of automated tests, code complexity, duplication, violations of coding practices, comment density. Thinking of technical debt in this way is interesting, but let’s stop pretending that these are hard numbers that we can use to make trade-off decisions. Although the numbers appear precise, they’re arbitrary, guesses. And they assume that technical debt can be calculated by a tool looking at the structure of the code. Unfortunately, dealing with technical debt is not that straightforward. But if debt is too fuzzy to be measured in detailed cost terms, how do you know what kind of debt is hurting you the most, how do you know when you have too much? Let’s look at different kinds of technical debt, and how much they might cost you, using a fuzzier approach.

High Scalability - High Scalability - A Super Short on the Youporn Stack - 300K QPS and 100 Million Page Views Per Day

Eric Pickup from Youporn.com posted on a news group that Youporn is now 100% Redis based and will soon be revealing more about their architecture at the ConFoo conference. Some stunning, but not surprising numbers were revealed: 100 million page views per day A cluster of Redis slaves are handling over 300k queries per second.

Warum Science Fiction einfach nicht totzukriegen ist | Telepolis

Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen eine gute Geschichte ohne Redundanzen auf 200 Seiten erzählt wird. Verleger wollen dicke Bücher, weil sie einen höheren Verkaufpreis erzielen, und Autoren betreiben das Seitenschinden bis zum Exzess und schreiben Endlos-Serien, weil ihre Verleger es wünschen. Einen Kontrollmechanismus gegen diese selbstverliebte Aufgeblähtheit, wie einen rigiden Lektor, gibt es schon lange nicht mehr.

A myth called the Indian programmer « miles to go…

Most software professionals in India are not programmers, they are mere coders,” says a senior executive from a global consultancy firm, who has helped Nasscom in researching its industry reports. In industry parlance, coders are akin to smart assembly line workers as opposed to programmers who are plant engineers. Programmers are the brains, the glorious visionaries who create things. Large software programmes that often run into billions of lines are designed and developed by a handful of programmers. Coders follow instructions to write, evaluate and test small components of the large program. As a computer science student in IIT Mumbai puts it if programming requires a post graduate level of knowledge of complex algorithms and programming meth

Why Mass Effect is the Most Important Science Fiction Universe of Our Generation

Mass Effect is epic. It’s the product of the best parts of Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and more with a protagonist who could be the love-child of Picard, Skywalker, and Starbuck. It’s one of the most important pieces of science fiction narrative of our generation. Mass Effect goes so far beyond other fictional universes in ways that you may not have yet realized. It is cosmic in scope and scale. Basically, Mass Effect is the most important science fiction universe of our generation. Here’s why.

YSlow Released Under BSD License on GitHub

Yahoo! has released its popular Web page performance analysis tool (first developed by Steve Souders) under the BSD license and put it on GitHub to encourage community interaction in its development.

js1k.com - A lovely js competition

The object of this competition is to create a cool JavaScript „application” no larger than 1k. Starting out as a joke, the first version ended with a serious amount of submissions, prizes and quality.

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[Sonntag, 20120219, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-17

Bruce Springsteen: ‘What was done to my country was un-American’ | Music | guardian.co.uk

„What was done to our country was wrong and unpatriotic and un-American and nobody has been held to account,” he later told the Guardian. „There is a real patriotism underneath the best of my music but it is a critical, questioning and often angry patriotism.”

Printing Drones by the Sheet (or how we get to tens of billions of drones by 2020) - Global Guerrillas

The FAA currently estimates that there will be 30,000 drones licensed to operate in US skies by 2020. It’s a misleading estimate. Why? It only counts large, professional drones (and even that estimate is low). It doesn’t count all of the small/micro drones operating below ~400ft and at slower airspeeds. How many micro-drones will there be by 2020? Tens of millions (tens of billions if there is warfare or repression driving it – and given the problems we are facing, there will be) … How do we get to that number? Simple. You print them by the sheet.

Animal rights group says drone shot down

A remote-controlled aircraft owned by an animal rights group was reportedly shot down near Broxton Bridge Plantation Sunday. Steve Hindi, president of SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness), said his group was preparing to launch its Mikrokopter drone to video what he called a live pigeon shoot on Sunday when law enforcement officers and an attorney claiming to represent the privately-owned plantation near Ehrhardt tried to stop the aircraft from flying. „It didn’t work; what SHARK was doing was perfectly legal,” Hindi said in a news release. „Once they knew nothing was going to stop us, the shooting stopped and the cars lined up to leave.” He said the animal rights group decided to send the drone up anyway. „Seconds after it hit the air, numerous shots rang out,” Hindi said in the release. „As an act of revenge for us shutting down the pigeon slaughter, they had shot down our copter.”

US Returns Jotform.com Domain; Still Refuses To Say What Happened | Techdirt

There’s been a lot of interest in the story of the Secret Service completely shutting down Jotform.com through a request to GoDaddy. It appears that the suspension is now ending, though it hasn’t fully propagated. What’s amazing is that no one in the US government (or at GoDaddy) seems to be willing to explain what happened. When GoDaddy completely shut down JotForm.com with no notice, the folks at JotForm had to inquire as to what the hell happened to their entire website. They were merely told to contact a Secret Service agent. That agent then told JotForm she was too busy to respond to them and would get back to them within a week. Think about that for a second. The US government completely takes down a small business’ website and then is too busy to explain why.

Geheimprotokoll: Acta-Verweigerer erzürnen EU-Kommission - Golem.de

Der Vertreter Österreichs teilte mit, man erhalte seit der Unterzeichnung eine Flut von Anfragen aus der Netzgemeinde, von Abgeordneten und Ministerien, und bat die EU-Kommission um Unterstützung. Man müsse die Gegner überzeugen und könne nicht einfach deren Argumentation mit dem Hinweis zurückweisen, sie hätten „keine Ahnung”. Auch Estland, Ungarn und die Niederlande baten die Kommission um bessere Informationen. Malta erklärte, dass auch dort „erheblicher Druck” auf die Regierung ausgeübt werde. Rumänien bat die Kommission, die Regierungen bei der Ratifikation des Acta-Abkommens zu unterstützen. Vertreter der Kommission verwiesen auf Informationsmaterial, das zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Gern sei die Kommission bereit, bei konkreten Fragen auch „weitere Argumentationshilfe” zu leisten.

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[Samstag, 20120218, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-16

Europäischer Gerichtshof verbietet Durchsuchung von Userdaten › netzpolitik.org

In einem wegweisenden Urteil entschied der Europäische Gerichtshof heute, dass es mit bestehendem EU-Recht nicht vereinbar sei, die auf Webservern gespeicherten Daten von Internetnutzern vorsorglich auf Urheberrechtsverletzungen durchsuchen zu lassen. Genau dies hatte nämlich die belgische Verwertungsgesellschaft Sabam von einem Hosting-Anbieter gefordert. Der Rechteindustrie dürfte dieses Urteil wenig gefallen, da die Entscheidungen des EuGH sofort und auch rückwirkend verbindlich sind. Die aktuelle Entscheidung ist bereits die zweite Niederlage für Sabam innerhalb weniger Monate. Bereits im November wurde eine von ihr eingereichte Klage abgewiesen.

ÖVP: Urheberrechtsverstoß mit Schriftensammlung | Netzpolitik | futurezone.at: Technology-News

Kopien und illegale Downloads sind für die ÖVP keine „Kavaliersdelikte”. Mit dem Urheberrecht nimmt es die Partei aber selbst nicht genau. Auf der ÖVP-Website wird eine urheberrechtlich geschützte Schriftensammlung des Typs „Helvetica Neue” zum Download angeboten. Ein klarer Verstoß gegen Urheber- und Markenrechte, sagen die Rechteinhaber von Linotype. Nun droht der Partei eine Schadenersatzklage.

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[Freitag, 20120217, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-15

Filmpiraterie - Kein Schaden in den USA nachweisbar. | Fefes Blog

Was passiert, wenn sich Wirtschaftswissenschaftler mit der Frage beschäftigen, wieviel eigentlich an den von der Contentmafia herbeihalluzinierten Milliardenschäden durch Filmpiraterie dran ist. Die Antwort wird euch sicher genau so überraschen wie mich: Kein Schaden in den USA nachweisbar. Außerhalb der USA gibt es einen Schaden von 7% und mehr — aber nur bei Filmen, die im jeweiligen Land signifikant später anlaufen als in den USA.

Microsoft AV Flags Google.com as ‘Blacole’ Malware — Krebs on Security

Computers running Microsoft‘s antivirus and security software may be flagging google.com — the world’s most-visited Web site — as malicious, apparently due to a faulty Valentine’s Day security update shipped by Microsoft.

The destructive desktop — Linux in trouble? | Pas un Geek en tant que tel

The effect of all those changes are numerous. For one, it is no longer possible to run the system without a graphical user interface unless you plan to invest a huge amount of work and to throw out most of your system support. If you want to get vendor support, this is not the way you will want to go. You also can’t implement complex network or authentication setups anymore. The number of possible combinations in the configuration has been significantly reduced by removing options which are not typically used for desktop systems. Also, since the APIs have a tendency to change very frequently, typically, only genuine supported Gnome or Ubuntu/Fedora software tends to work on the long run. If you try to use an alternative which has an user interface you prefer or has a feature you want, you will find very frequently that it is trying to call some DBus interface which is no longer implemented or has a different set of parameters.

Fefes Blog

In dem Paper haben einige Kryptologen mal das Internet nach RSA-Schlüsseln durchsucht, einige Millionen eingesammelt, und geguckt, ob es da gemeinsame Primfaktoren in den Modulen gibt. More worrisome is that among the 4.7 million distinct 1024-bit RSA moduli that we had originally collected, more than 12500 have a single prime factor in common. […] in our current collection of 7.1 million 1024-bit RSA moduli, almost 27000 are vulnerable and 2048-bit RSA moduli are affacted as well. Das ist ein sehr gruseliges Ergebnis. Ihre Schlussfolgerung ist, dass das Generieren von RSA-Schlüsseln deutlich risikobehafteter ist als das Generieren von Schlüsseln mit nur einer Komponente, wie bei ElGamal oder (EC)DSA.

EFF: Tens of thousands of websites’ SSL „offers effectively no security” - Boing Boing

The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s SSL Observatory is a research project that gathers and analyzes the cryptographic certificates used to secure Internet connections, systematically cataloging them and exposing their database for other scientists, researchers and cryptographers to consult. Now Arjen Lenstra of École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne has used the SSL Observatory dataset to show that tens of thousands of SSL certificates „offer effectively no security due to weak random number generation algorithms.” Lenstra’s research means that much of what we think of as gold-standard, rock-solid network security is deeply flawed, but it also means that users and website operators can detect and repair these vulnerabilities.

Chinesische Hacker gingen bei Nortel ein und aus | heise Security

Mutmaßliche chinesische Hacker haben laut einem Zeitungsbericht über viele Jahre Zugang zum Computersystem des Telekom-Ausrüsters Nortel gehabt – und diesen auch ausgiebig genutzt. Dank sieben gestohlener Passwörter von Top-Managern habe es für die Eindringlinge ab dem Jahr 2000 bei Nortel kaum Geheimnisse gegeben, berichtete das „Wall Street Journal” am Dienstag unter Berufung auf eine interne Untersuchung.

Adam Curry’s Simple Weblog: SOPA is a Red Herring

It’s been highly underreported that ICANN is now accepting submissions for new gTLD’s, or ‘generic top level domains’. # Without getting into all the details of what that means, other than possibly hundreds if not thousands of new domains like .shop .dork .shill and .drone that you will be able to register vanity domain names under, ICANN has come up with a new requirement upon registration: # You must verify who you are when you register a new domain name, even an international one. # So, if I pay GoDaddy or any other outfit my $9 for curry.blog and have it point to my server at blog.curry.com, I will have to prove my identity upon registration. Presumably with some form of government approved ID. # This way, when OPEN or perhaps a non-NDS-version of SOPA is passed, if you break the rules, you will be hunted down, regardless of where you live or operate since this also includes international domain names. #

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[Donnerstag, 20120216, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-14

id3tag.rb at master from astera/cupcakes - GitHub

Once upon a time, there lived a little DJ, in a big, wild world with weirdly tagged or untagged or re-tagged mp3 files all over the place - and all he would’ve asked for was just a wee bit of order. Back then (he still vividly remembered the days when he used to walk through man-high snow, barefoot, uphill both ways and… well, you get the idea), the DJing business was hard enough to be honest. Now, one day, a fairy little fairy (true story!) would listen to one of his gigs by chance, and was so amazed by the deep house and tech house and what-not he mixed, that she’d approach him and granted him a wish - and oh, our dear DJ did know _exactly_ what he wanted! He placed the tiny bot he was given by our fair fairy in his folder with freshly hunted-down tracks, and the bot would make sure all ID3 tags were kept clean… that meaning, discarded of; and the artist & title taken from the file names of all .mp3s present in said directory written in ID3v2.

Jamie Oliver finds Joy Division and New Order master tapes in restaurant basement | News | NME.COM

The new restaurant, which is being built in a former branch of Midland bank, was being excavated when the tapes were found, alongside guns, gold and jewellery. The total value of the haul is £1.1 million, reports Holy Moly. Oliver has since given everything found in the basement to the treasury.

What’s your perfect fitting top, skirt and dress on the highstreet? | News | guardian.co.uk

We all know that there’s no such thing as a size 10. But I’m a computer programmer as well as a fashion fan, so I built a website to beat the sizing madness

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[Mittwoch, 20120215, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-12

The perfect programming font - Vim Tips Wiki

Here are some recommendations for fonts to use in gvim, particularly for writing programs.

Lebensalter wichtiger als Unterhalt: Sozialauswahl - wer muss gehen? - computerwoche.de

Das Landesarbeitsgericht Köln hat mit einer Entscheidung vom 18.02.2011 (4 Sa 1122/10) verdeutlicht, dass die gemäß § 1 Abs. 3 KSchG im Rahmen der Sozialauswahl zu beachtenden Kriterien zwar grundsätzlich gleichrangig sind, hat jedoch ein Arbeitnehmer altersbedingt schlechtere Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, so ist das Lebensalter regelmäßig höher zu bewerten als Unterhaltspflichten. Somit ist in einem solchen Fall die Kündigung eines erheblich jüngeren Arbeitnehmers auch dann gerechtfertigt, wenn dieser gegenüber Kindern unterhaltspflichtig ist.

IBM: We do server flash already… • The Register

IBM says: „eXFlash is optimized for a heavy mix of random read and write operations, such as transaction processing, data mining, business intelligence and decision support, and other random I/O-intensive applications.” Read the Redbook for more information. In summary: IBM has a VFCache equivalent and has had for over a year.

AON: Give us cash, we’ll emit 10TB holographic cube • The Register

Access Optical Networks says it has developed a 1.2TB holographic storage cube that can transfer data at 155MB/sec and last longer than 50 years. Oh, and it’s done using mirrors – but no smoke. The storage medium is a 1cm cube of photorefractive lithium niobate crystalline material and the claimed cost/GB is $0.11 in 1,000 unit quantities.

What the RIAA Won’t Tell You: Users Matter | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Having succeeded in halting the runaway SOPA/PIPA train, Internet users don’t intend to just stand down and let a few tech companies, who need to worry about their bottom line along with the needs of users, or even crucial nonprofit organizations like Wikipedia, speak for everyone. Indeed, it’s pretty ironic, and telling, that Sherman’s piece points to the “six-strikes” deal big content made with ISPs last year as a model for the “voluntary cooperation.” Users weren’t at the table when that deal was struck either, even though they’ll be stuck with much of the bill. If they had been, that deal could have been very different, and a lot more fair.

Transactional memory going mainstream with Intel Haswell

Intel has announced that its Haswell architecture, due to ship some time in 2013, will include hardware support for transactional memory. Transactional memory is a promising technique designed to make the creation of reliable multithreaded programs easier. It does this by using a transactional model wherein complex operations can be performed concurrently, in isolation from each other, with those operations either completing or being undone as if they’d never been started—a model that developers are already familiar with from database programming.

glandium.org » Blog Archive » Reducing Firefox startup I/O in libxul.so

I’ve been working, during the past few months, on Firefox startup performance, with a particular focus on I/O, even more particularly focusing on the core library: libxul. As I’ve been saying all along, my current work is focused on GNU/Linux systems, though some of it has a direct impact on OSX, and similar work is most probably applicable on Windows.

CSC writes off $1.49 billion on bungled NHS IT project - Enormous contracts not the way forward | TechEye

The Computer Sciences Corporation has had to bite the bullet and take a $1.49 billion write-off in the fall out of a catastrophic NHS IT project. It is thought that the write off is the single largest for a UK IT project, after plans to implement a nationwide patients record system hit the rocks.

Perl Data Language gets auto-parallelisation - The H Open Source: News and Features

Perl Data Language (PDL) – the extension that allows Perl to quickly and compactly store and manipulate large N-dimensional arrays – has been updated to version 2.4.10 and adds automatic multi-thread parallelisation support.

MPAA Demands Hotfile Data From Google, Search Engine Refuses | TorrentFreak

In yet another episode in Hollywood’s year-long legal battle with one of the world’s biggest cyberlocker services, the MPAA has now drawn Google into the dispute. The MPAA says that Google holds valuable information on Hotfile and should produce it, but the search giant is refusing without the file-hoster’s consent. Hotfile says ‘no’ on the basis that the deadline for discovery expired last year.

Massive Street Protests Wage War On ACTA Anti-Piracy Treaty | TorrentFreak

The EU followed in the footsteps of Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States, who already signed it last October. This brings ACTA a step closer to passing, but individual EU member states and the European Parliament still have to ratify the treaty later this year. To prevent this from happening, hundreds of thousands of people across the world are taking to the streets today, and millions more are expected to do their part online. In Europe demonstrations are being held in more than 200 cities, the largest in Sofia, Bulgaria, with more than 50,000 participants.

Busybox, die GPL und Wirrniss - Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp

Da Busybox unter der GPL steht, viele Firmen sich aber einen Dreck um Copyright scheren, wenn es sie selber statt ihre Endkunden betrifft, wird es gerne in Router und andere Geräte eingebaut und ist dann Gegenstand einer Lizenzklage, die am Ende dazu führt, daß die Firmen ihre Firmware offenlegen müssen, weil sie zu faul sind, selber zu programmieren und zu blöd, sich genau das Urheberrecht zu halten, für dessen Verschärfung sie Unsummen an die diversen Lobbyfeen bezahlt haben (wir reden hier unter anderem von Sony).

IBM SmartCloud Enterprise tip: Build multiple VPNs and VLANs

Release 2.0 of the IBM SmartCloud Enterprise introduces several new features. Two of these features are the ability for an IBM SmartCloud Enterprise account to have multiple virtual private network tunnels (VPNs) into a IBM SmartCloud Enterprise data center and multiple virtual local area networks (VLANs) in each data center. The authors examine the details of these new features.

Your first cup of CoffeeScript, Part 2: Learn the language with hands-on examples

This series explores the popular CoffeeScript programming language, which is built on top of JavaScript. In Part 1, you learned about the perks for developers, set up the CoffeeScript compiler, and used it to create code that was ready to run in a browser or server. In this article, wade deeper into the CoffeeScript language. Use CoffeeScript to solve several programming problems, with a mathematical flavor to them, from Project Euler. Example source code is provided.

Integrating MediaWiki with LDAP

Learn how to add a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication module to MediaWiki that will allow it to authenticate users against an LDAP directory. Gain a better understanding of MediaWiki, Apache Directory Services (ApacheDS), and Apache Directory Studio, and how you can use them to create an LDAP directory for testing.

Acta-Gegner demonstrieren: Aufstand der Generation Internet - Wirtschaft - FAZ

Viele hatten vorher bei Culina per Mail angefragt, wo das Online-Formular zur polizeilichen Teilnahmeanmeldung zu finden sei. Für die meisten ist es ihre erste Demo. Die Fahnenschwenker sind unter 30, ihr Leben findet im Netz statt. Sie schreiben keine SMS, sie twittern. In ihr Netzleben wollen sie sich nicht einfach hineinreden lassen, nur weil Rechteinhaber auf ihr Eigentum bestehen. Sie haben Online-Petitionen und Protestmails geschrieben, wütend getwittert und gebloggt, der virtuelle Lärmpegel stieg. Im Lauf der Woche fingen dann die ersten Politiker der Koalition an, Acta zu kritisieren. Am Freitag verkündete schließlich die Bundesregierung in einer Kehrtwende, sie werde Acta vorerst nicht zustimmen. Und später wohl auch nicht. Acta wird nach Brüssel abgeschoben, die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es das EU-Parlament im Sommer ebenfalls zu den Akten legt, ist groß. Seit Freitag ist Acta tot.

Best Twitter-Thread ever: #hughlaurieasthedoctor #doctorhugh

Twitter Search Results for #hughlaurieasthedoctor OR #doctorhugh

If you’re using Node.js, you’re doing life wrong - Teh Journalz

This morning, on a conference mailing list, I made some disparaging remarks about Node.js (the title of this post, in fact). A couple people asked me why I felt that way. Rather than respond individually, I’ll just list my reasons here

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[Montag, 20120213, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Stop-ACTA-Demos, 11. Februar 2012

Meine persönlichen Highlights von den gestrigen Anti-ACTA Demos:

  • Fefes Blo: ACTA-Domino: Großdemonstration gegen ACTA in Österreich. Den Plakaten nach zu urteilen war das eine spaßige Angelegenheit, obwohl das zumindest in Graz bei starkem Schneefall stattfand. Sehr schön, liebe Österreicher! Weitermachen!
  • orf.at: Tausende bei ACTA-Protesten. In Wien fanden sich nach Angaben von Polizei und Veranstaltern zwischen 3.000 und 4.500 Menschen auf dem Stephansplatz zusammen.
  • DE/Youtube: 100+ Videos: Stop-ACTA-Demos, 11. Februar 2012
  • Youtube: Anti ACTA Demo Wien 11.02.2012 - ein paar Ausschnitte!
  • Transparente von div. Demos
  • Zeit im Bild Beitrag über die STOPP ACTA Demo Wien mit unterirdischer Anmoderation: Youtube
    Murdelta meint dazu: Man beachte die Ausschnitte die sie gewählt haben, die wenigen Bilder die sie von der wiener Demo bringen sind nach der eigentlichen Demo gedreht worden, wenn man nicht dort war macht es den Anschein als wären deutlich weniger Leute dort gewesen. Sie benutzen auch die niedrigsten Schätzungen bezüglich der Teilnehmer, das Interview wird geführt während im Hintergrund die Straßenbahn schon wieder fährt. Entweder hat die ORF-Crew die Demo verschlafen oder sie wollten das Ganze als eine kleine Gruppe von Aktivisten darstellen.
  • taz.de: Proteste gegen Acta – Erwartungen weit übertroffen: Was für ein Signal! Allein in Deutschland haben am Wochenende 100.000 Menschen gegen das Anti-Piraterie-Abkommen Acta demonstriert.

Hans Zeger zum Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) - Was nicht drinnen steht.

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[Sonntag, 20120212, 13:25 | permanent link | 1 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-11

The Pirate Bay’s Peter Sunde: It’s Evolution, Stupid | Threat Level | Wired.com

he Swedish prosecutor sent out a memo in 2006 saying that TPB wasn’t guilty of “main” crimes — at best it aids and abets (he also mentioned that the people running TPB were very clever). But Hollywood was not happy with this and forced the Swedish Minister of Justice to visit the White House and talk about it. The United States told Sweden that if they didn’t get rid of the site, they would not be allowed to trade with the U.S.! The minister (illegally) told the prosecutor what had happened which forced him to raid TPB — only a few weeks after sending out that memo about how legal it was. Evidently, Warner Brothers felt that the investigation was taking too long. The studio contacted the police officer in charge of the investigation (one person that worked mostly by himself) and before I had even been questioned by him, he interviewed for a job with Warner Brothers.

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[Samstag, 20120211, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-10

Beatles, Pink Floyd Engineer Alan Parsons Rips Audiophiles - CE Pro Magazine Article from CE Pro

You get what you pay for. But having said that, there are some decent budget surround systems you can buy at Costco or Walmart that really aren’t bad. Everybody has their budget; the hi-fi world will tell you if money is no object you can get better results out of every component - even the surface the amplifier sits on. Pro sound people have different expectations; they are only concerned that a piece of gear works and allows them to do their job. Hi-fi people spend huge amounts of money for tiny improvements, and pro sound guys will say, “I can spend half as much and get the results I need.”

Jan-Piet Mens :: On collecting SSH host keys for SSHFP DNS records

RFC 4255 specifies a standard for using the DNS to securely publish Secure Shell (SSH) key fingerprints. We’ve discussed that here before and there is a gotcha you should be aware of before deploying the records.

Disqus Commenting System Goes Down; Leaves All Blogs Comment-Less

Kommt in die Cloud, haben sie gesagt. Da ist alles so super, haben sie gesagt …

Apple’s mind-bogglingly greedy and evil license agreement | ZDNet

Over the years, I have read hundreds of license agreements, looking for little gotchas and clear descriptions of rights. But I have never, ever seen a legal document like the one Apple has attached to its new iBooks Author program.

Fragen eines Zeitreisenden | Real Life

Ich komme aus einer fernen Vergangenheit: Bei uns starteten Videorekorder magisch zum Sendungsstart, Filme hatten Zweikanalton und Bücher konnte man weiterverleihen. Zeigt mir, welchen Fortschritt ihr gemacht habt.

Cyberpunk 2025 | Real Life

Es werden Zeiten kommen, in denen wir nur noch in Bordellen und Mörderspelunken ein offenes WLAN finden werden. Und wir werden uns von dort per VPN zu Gingrichs Mondkolonie verbinden, die grade ihre Unabhängigkeit erklärt hat und den Cyberrebellen beisteht.

‘Offensive security research community helping bad guys’ | ZDNet

“We are involved in a cat-and-mouse game on [the software] engineering side. Every time we come up with something new and build new defenses, it creates incentive for the bad guy to look beyond that,” Arkin explained, noting that the white-hat security research community helps cyber-criminals by publishing vulnerabilities, exploits and techniques to bypass security mitigations. “My goal isn’t to find and fix every security bug,” Arkin argued. ”I’d like to drive up the cost of writing exploits. But when researchers go public with techniques and tools to defeat mitigations, they lower that cost.” via fefe http://blog.fefe.de/?ts=b1cba1ed

#shitsiskosays - Charlie’s Diary

I know wasting time is not necessarily narratively interesting, (though it can be. How one wastes time says a lot about a person) but Star Trek is at least in lip-service a post-scarcity world, and the Federation is not at war until Season 6. Wasting time and/or fucking around would be a lot of what people did with their lives…. No one exhibits poor or even mediocre time management. All are paladins of self-organization. Wasting time has a unique pleasure (some call it slack) that we as humans are kind of addicted to. We’re starting to do it collectively on our social networks now, to waste time in a connected way. The universe of DS9 is culturally incredibly old-fashioned … . In a world with faith in its higher-ups, as Star Trek purported to be, it is terrifying to see the paladins playing WoW. They should be defending justice even in their sleep–and this too is a very old idea.

Windows 8 on ARM: the Schrödinger’s cat of operating systems | Technology | guardian.co.uk

There’s been plenty of criticism of an article suggesting that Windows 8 will be dead on arrival – but like the mythical cat, the answer to this one is all in the observation

Five Reasons why Windows 8 will be dead on arrival | ZDNet

Microsoft’s Windows 8 and Vista will have several things in common: Both are unwanted operating system updates that will flop in the marketplace.

BBC News - Viewpoint: V for Vendetta and the rise of Anonymous

Alan Moore, writer of V for Vendetta and enigmatic wizard of comicology, describes the relationship between the Guy Fawkes mask and Anonymous, anti-ACTA protests, and the Occupy movement. Beginning with the Moore-ish phrase, „Without wishing to overstate my case, everything in the observable universe definitely has its origins in Northamptonshire, and the adoption of the V for Vendetta mask as a multipurpose icon by the emerging global protest movements is no exception,”

What does it mean to be literate in 2012? | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional

To get pupils motivated to learn about ICT and computers - and they should, because we live in a world where almost every type of employment uses IT in some form or other - then we do need to rethink what and how we teach it at school. We need to think about merging what they need to know with what is also fun to know. We need to make sure they are aware of how complicated it can get without making them write reams of code to do so. At the same time, we need to ensure that they realise that learning a few lines of C++ will not enable you to produce Batman Arkham City overnight! We need to make them want to learn, because motivated pupils always learn better than those who would prefer to be elsewhere.

Why William Gibson Distrusts Aging Futurists’ Nostalgia | Underwire | Wired.com

In in this episode of Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy, hosts John Joseph Adams and David Barr Kirtley get the author talking on what it’s been like writing for Hollywood (and Twitter), his fascination with antique watches, and his formative years as a science fiction writer. Following the Gibson interview, they talk about the cyberpunk subgenre with Seth Dickinson. Listen to the podcast above or read the transcript of the Gibson interview below.

Science off the Sphere: Knitting Needle Experiment - YouTube

International Space Station Expedition 30 astronaut Don Pettit uses knitting needles and water droplets to demonstrate physics in space for ‘Science off the Sphere.’

Home - GitHub

This in an arduino based autopilot system that can pilot airplanes, quad rotors, boats, and ground vehicles. ArduPilotOne is the underlying library employed for all the vehicles. Preconfigured gain files are provided for common vehicles in each category. The main sketch can be easily modified to allow a variety of sensor choices. Based on these sensors, advanced control and navigation modules can be developed that can be shared between vehicles or be unique to a given vehicle. The object-oriented design makes swapping control/ sensor/ navigation modules simple.

ArduCopter - arducopter - Arduino-based autopilot for mulitrotor craft, from quadcopters to traditional helis - Google Project Hosting

ArduCopter is an easy to set up and easy to fly platform for multirotors and helicopters that goes way beyond the basic RC multicopters on the market today. The project is based on the ArduPilot Mega autopilot created by the DIY Drones community.

Please welcome ArduPilotMega 2.0! - DIY Drones

Like APM 1.0, this is the world’s only Universal Autopilot. The same hardware can autonomously control planes, multicopters, regular helicopters, rovers, even boats, with just a one-click firmware change–no programming required! Best-of-breed mission planning and two-way telemetry, and soon with advanced scripting with Python for robot acrobatics and more.

#Zombies: Followers of the Dead - YouTube

Six months after a zombie apocalypse nearly destroyed the world, the remaining survivors talk about twitter… This was unscripted, totally improvised.

Der Chef will immer Input und ist doch nie zufrieden! | WILD DUECK BLOG

Die Peripheriemitarbeiter lösen das Problem auf bewährt untaugliche Weise: Sie setzen ein Meeting an oder einen Call auf (Es gibt Versuche, bei denen ein Affe in der Nähe eines Tigers sitzen muss, nur durch ein grobes Gitter getrennt. Ihm passiert also nichts, aber er zittert ganz stark vor Angst. Wenn man ihm jedoch einen zweiten Affen hinzugesellt, trösten sich die beiden und haben sehr viel weniger Angst. Meetings werden so groß angesetzt, dass keiner Angst hat, so lange es dauert.).

Urheberrecht: Was verdienen Künstler im Digitalzeitalter? - Digital - sueddeutsche.de

„Hört auf über SOPA zu jammern” schimpfte der ehemalige Guns’n’Roses-Bassist, als das Netz sich zum SOPA-Protest zusammenschloss. „Als aktiver Musiker, der gesehen hat, wie seine Industrie auf den Kopf gestellt wurde, und der sieht, wie Piraterie jeden Künstler vom Chart-Stürmer bis zum Indie-Anfänger trifft”, empfinde er das Gejammer über die Anti-Pirateriepläne der USA „als Schlag ins Gesicht”. Er frage sich, warum niemand protestiert habe, als Menschen anfingen, ohne Bezahlung Musik im Netz zu nutzen. „Wo waren Google, Facebook und Wikipedia”, die während des Blackout-SOPA-Days den Protest unterstützten, „als Musiker, Schauspieler und Autoren bestohlen wurden? Entschuldigt, aber wo wart Ihr alle?”, fragte er, erkennbar wütend: „Warum seid Ihr damals nicht aufgestanden? Kostenlose Musik war zu toll, oder?”

Hello My Name Is The Problem of Memory - Charlie’s Diary

I think everyone is kind of freaked out right now. Which is why they set up tents on the street last year. Why some are still there. We’re freaked because we don’t know what’s coming–but we’re reasonably sure it’s going to be shitty. Dystopia is the thing to write about these days. We have more faith in dystopia than utopia. SF used to be all about utopia, Starfleet and replicators and living forever. To be honest, Brave New World seems kind of cute to me these days. At least the oppressive government thought to hand out Soma so trod-upon people wouldn’t be so goddamn miserable! Our governments just say: suck it up, epsilon assholes. Might as well be stamped on our coins.

Satiritron – Microsoft to Fix the Bug in Windows Phone That Makes it Uninteresting to all Smartphone Users

Microsoft announced today a pending update to Windows Phone 7.5, which will address a number of outstanding issues with the smartphone operating system, most notably the well-known bug that renders Windows Phones completely uninteresting to all smartphone users. The SW glitch, experienced by everyone who has ever looked at a Windows Phone, causes the product to be completely, mind-numbingly boring to them. Typically, after experiencing the glitch, smartphone users will put the affected Windows Phone down, then pick up another smartphone, which the user is infinitely more likely to give two shits about. Though various forms of this bug have been noted since the first releases of Windows Mobile, last year’s Windows Phone 7 was released into a vastly different market, where Microsoft could no longer rely on competing smartphones being so hideously painful to use that customers would choose their product …

Sportkulinarik « betatext

“Ich geh jeden Dienstag zum Bohnenturnen“, sagt #kind2, “Das passt gut, weil Alexander geht immer Reislaufen. Und Benjamin geht Fußballgrillen.”

Die Wissensgesellschaft und ihre freien Idioten — IG Kultur

Im post-industriellen Zeitalter tritt Wissen an die Stelle von Arbeit. Wollte man eine kurze, bündige Quintessenz diverser Ideen zum Wesen der so genannten Informations- oder Wissensgesellschaft ziehen, käme wohl dieser Satz heraus. Daniel Bell glaubte zudem, dass in Zukunft Wissenschaftler wichtiger seien als Unternehmer und ihnen den Rang abliefen. Mit der propagierten Aufwertung von Bildung und Wissen konnten sogar Geistes- und Kulturarbeiter hoffen, aus ihrer Tätigkeit in Zukunft mehr Wert und entsprechend sogar Gewinn zu schöpfen. Doch was so sauber klingt, so befreit vom Schmieröl der alten Industriegesellschaft, hat einen doppelten Boden. Was wäre, wenn das ökonomische Prinzip „Wissen” nicht die Handarbeit in den Himmel des Geistes hebt, sondern die Kopfarbeit ans Fabrikband drückt? Es könnte durchaus sein, dass die Produktion von Wissen über kurz oder lang unter dieselben fordistischen Räder gerät, wie zuvor die Produktion von Waren.

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[Freitag, 20120210, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Act Against ACTA

Act Against ACTA

Wann/Date: 2012-02-11 13:45:002012-02-11 16:00:00
Ort/Location: Stock-im-Eisen-Platz / Parlament

11.02.2012 - WIEN 13:45 Treffpunkt Stock-im-Eisen-Platz - 14:30 Abmarsch - 15:15 Kundgebung Parlament

Marschroute (Google Maps)

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von:

  • Marco Schreuder und den Grünen
  • Martin Ehrenhauser
  • Georg Markus Kainz
  • Piratenpartei Österreich
  • und natürlich Anonymous

hcalendar logo This content includes Microformats hCalendar information.

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[Mittwoch, 20120208, 20:43 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-08

WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0

Eine Alternative zum Befehl WASService ist das Dienstprogramm „WASServicecmd”, das den Befehl WASService ergänzt und die Zahl mögliche Konfigurationsfehler verringert.

The University Observer » The Man Who - Ireland’s Award-Winning Student Newspaper

Unlike most British series, which have few episodes and a single writer, each episode of the Doctor Who has a different writer, with Moffat writing key episodes and overseeing the story lines. This can lead to very different tones, from humorous to chilling. “Gareth Roberts, one of my fellow writers on Doctor Who, had a theory that you write the Doctor Who you remember.” Moffat explains. “He tended to remember the funny ones, so he writes funny Doctor Who, and I remember just being terrified over it, so I tend to write the scary Doctor Who. Neither memory is more accurate, it’s all kind of nonsense, but I do like the sort of weird sense of transgression of it being slightly wrong to have a television show whose mission statement is to petrify kids. Try pitching that and getting it made today!

10 European Commission myths about ACTA | EDRI

10. ACTA is an anti-counterfeiting trade agreement. ACTA is about enforcement of various forms of intellectual property rights. It is not about trade. Our biggest trading partner, the United States will not consider itself bound by ACTA. It is therefore not even an “agreement” for our most important partner. Due to its secrecy, its undermining of agreed international forums and its exclusive and secretive nature, it has reduced the likelihood of agreement with the countries that the EU most needs to. It has alienated the countries that the EU would most like to agree with on enforcement mechanisms. It has therefore moved us further away from agreement with the countries that are most problematic regarding counterfeiting from an EU perspective.

Jacob Appelbaum: „Benutzt am besten gar keine Mobiltelefone” | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE

Appelbaum: Am besten verzichten sie darauf, ein Mobiltelefon mit sich herumzutragen – insbesondere ein Smartphone. Denn die Gesetzgebung hat noch nicht mit der Tatsache Schritt gehalten, dass wir Peilsender kaufen, mit denen wir auch telefonieren können. ZEIT ONLINE: Sollte man also statt Smartphones nur alte Handys ohne GPS-Modul nehmen? Appelbaum: Ich denke, die Antwort ist: Benutzt am besten gar keine Mobiltelefone. … Aber ich gebe Ihnen noch ein anderes Beispiel: Benennen Sie einfach mal Facebook um in Stasibook. Wie gut fühlen Sie sich jetzt, wenn Sie dort Auskunft über die Aktivitäten Ihrer Freunde geben? Es ist furchteinflößend, wenn man sich vorstellt, dass wir uns alle gegenseitig überwachen. Wir haben den Stasistaat privatisiert und demokratisiert. Wir sollten grundsätzlich nicht in einer Prestigekonsum-Gesellschaft leben, in der es immer darum geht, irgendwelche Belohnungen dafür zu kriegen, Menschen auf Fotos zu markieren.

Engineering Management: Why are software development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3? - Quora

Developers are also the only group where they are asked to do something which has never been done before, and tell someone else how long it will take before they even know what actually needs to be done.

IBM News room - 2012-02-07 IBM Releases Free Internet Security Training Tools to Educate Students, Teachers and Parents on Digital Responsibility - United States

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that in conjunction with Safer Internet Day, (#SID2012) it will release free Internet safety training tools for students and have thousands of volunteers working to help raise awareness and educate students and businesses on Internet safety and digital responsibility. IBM is unveiling three free volunteer kits to better educate students, parents and teachers on Internet safety

CCTV police officer ‘chased himself’ after being mistaken for burglar - Telegraph

The junior officer, who has not been named, was monitoring an area hit by a series of burglaries in an unnamed market town in the country’s south. As the probationary officer from Sussex Police searched for suspects, the camera operator radioed that he had seen someone “acting suspiciously” in the area. But he failed to realise that it was actually the plain-clothed officer he was watching on the screen, according to details leaked to an industry magazine.

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[Mittwoch, 20120208, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-07

Five Reasons why Windows 8 will be dead on arrival | ZDNet

If you’re unhappy about the state of Metro applications, think about the poor Windows programmers. You’ve spent years learning .NET, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and now they have to learn WinRT and Jupiter/XAML. Even developers who like WinRT give it “compliments” like “It’s a great time to get involved with WinRT, as the platform is still in its infancy, and will need a lot of developer support to build even more robust tools.” Really? That comment was made in January 2012, and the development tools are still in diapers!? Last, but not least, Windows developers will need rewrite their Metro apps for the more traditional Windows-style desktop. Oh, and they’ll also need to build them for both x86 and ARM platforms…. Heck, Brandon Watson, head of developer experiences for Windows Phone, just left Microsoft for Amazon’s Android-based Kindle team Think he might know something?

CADMOS BG/P File Systems

The /bgscratch file system is the only disk space where BG/P jobs are allowed to write data. It is therefore suitable for jobs output data and dump files (checkpoints). The scratch file system is rather fast. The compute nodes could read and write data at a throughput of up to 10 GB/s. User’s scratch directories are accessible from all Blue Gene/P nodes and front-end hosts through the same absolute path: /bgscratch/$USER The scratch file system has about 700 TB of storage space, shared among all users. Quotas aren’t activated.

ACTA Survival Guide for Website Owners | EDRI

You need to make sure that you do nothing that creates an incentive for the domain name reseller to remove your site. it is important to avoid doing anything which would risk unilateral measures being taken by the registrar. The search engine that provides traffic to your website could remove your site from search results, based on the law of the country where it is based.

GPL enforcement sparks community flames | ITworld

The debate over enforcement of the GPL took an interesting turn this week, after one developer’s call for more projects to begin enforcement proceedings against alleged GPL violators of the Linux kernel. Red Hat kernel developer Matthew Garrett, who has long railed against downstream Android vendors who are very likely violating the GNU Public License, has turned the spotlight on a recent move by Sony’s eLinux team to begin work on a replacement for BusyBox, which Garrett alleges is purely a move to sidestep the GPL’ed BusyBox project and enable embedded vendors like Sony to gain BusyBox functionality without the need to comply with the GPL.

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[Dienstag, 20120207, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-06

You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You - Forbes

Now that the SOPA and PIPA fights have died down, and Hollywood prepares their next salvo against internet freedom with ACTA and PCIP, it’s worth pausing to consider how the war on piracy could actually be won. It can’t, is the short answer, and one these companies do not want to hear as they put their fingers in their ears and start yelling. As technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright holders is going to escalate, and pirates are always, always going to be one step ahead. To be clear, this is in no way meant to be a “pro-piracy” piece, it is merely attempting to show the inescapable realities of piracy that media companies refuse to acknowledge.

What is Apache Hadoop? - O’Reilly Radar

Hadoop brings the ability to cheaply process large amounts of data, regardless of its structure. By large, we mean from 10-100 gigabytes and above. How is this different from what went before?

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[Montag, 20120206, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-05

Learn Linux, 302 (Mixed environments): SWAT configuration

The Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT) is a web-based administration tool for Samba, enabling GUI configuration from any computer with a web browser. SWAT is a server in its own right, and like all servers, it requires at least minimal configuration. In this article, learn how to install and configure SWAT itself and how to use SWAT to manage Samba.

Efficient JavaScript unit testing

JavaScript code that runs on one browser does not necessarily mean it will work on others. Without unit testing this code, organizations pay money for testing and re-testing web applications when deciding to upgrade or support new browsers. In this article, learn how efficient unit testing of your JavaScript can reduce testing costs and make it easier for you to support more browsers.

More locks for your SSH door

Security isn’t an exact science, so the more difficulties you can put in a hacker’s way, the better. This article considers how to enhance Secure Shell (SSH) access by eliminating passwords and using public/private key pairs instead. The article also explores how to recognize and block possible attacks, including brute-force and dictionary attacks, by denying server access to origins that are identified as unsafe.

Casting spells with ImageMagick

ImageMagick is a suite of open source tools for creating, editing, and converting bitmap images. The advanced developer can leverage its many capabilities to produce quality, professional bitmap images, and other artwork for display on websites, in marketing brochures, and anywhere the artistic mood may strike. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, ImageMagick can be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed in both open and proprietary applications.

ACTA und sein „böser Zwilling” - fm4.ORF.at

Der für den pazifischen Raum vorgesehene Klon des auf die EU gerichteten „Anti-Piraterie”-Abkommens sieht ein Mitspracherecht von Konzernen bei nationalen Gesetzen vor. Juristen orten einen „Krieg gegen die digitale Welt”. Die wahrscheinlich beste Beschreibung der Reaktion des Handelskommissars Karel de Gucht auf die Massenproteste gegen ACTA sei eine „Mixtur aus Irritation and Arroganz”, schreibt der auf EU-Recht spezialisierte finnische Anwalt und Rechtsblogger Ralf Grahn. De Gucht hatte auf die zunehmend wütende Kritik von Netzaktivisten am „Anti-Piraterie”-Abkommen ACTA reagiert - indem er ihnen nicht antwortete. De Gucht schrieb vielmehr an den Ausschuss für internationalen Handel des EU Parlaments und zieh Organisationen wie La Quadrature du Net der Verbreitung von Falschinformationen.

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[Sonntag, 20120205, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-04

Taskwarrior - Overview - Taskwarrior

Taskwarrior is a command-line todo list manager. It maintains a list of tasks that you want to do, allowing you to add/remove, and otherwise manipulate them. Task has a rich list of subcommands that allow you to do sophisticated things with it. You’ll find it has customizable reports, charts, GTD features, Lua extensions, device synching and more.

Schattenbericht zur Warnhinweis-Studie: “Warnmodelle sind unsinnig und gefährlich” | Digitale Gesellschaft

Der Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. stellt der Studie „Vergleich von Modellen zur Versendung von Warnhinweisen durch Internet-Zugangsanbieter an Nutzer bei Urheberrechtsverletzungen“ des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums einen Schattenbericht zur Seite. Darin wird deutlich, dass repressive Maßnahmen, wie sie in anderen Ländern durchgeführt werden, gefährlich und unverhältnismäßig sind sowie am eigentlichen Problem vorbei gehen.

Why I signed ACTA

I signed ACTA out of civic carelessness, because I did not pay enough attention. Quite simply, I did not clearly connect the agreement I had been instructed to sign with the agreement that, according to my own civic conviction, limits and withholds the freedom of engagement on the largest and most significant network in human history, and thus limits particularly the future of our children.

Pacemaker powered by heartbeats - Energy Harvesting Journal

Aerospace engineers from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor have developed a prototype device that could power a pacemaker using vibrations in the chest cavity that are due mainly to heartbeats.

Google to Censor Blogger Blogs on a ‘Per Country Basis’ | Threat Level | Wired.com

Google has quietly announced changes to its Blogger free-blogging platform that will enable the blocking of content only in countries where censorship is required. Twitter announced technology last week addressing the same topic.

law blog» Archiv » Monitor und Tastatur

Die Wohnung meines Mandanten wurde gründlich durchsucht. Insbesondere hatten es die Beamten auf Datenträger abgesehen. Sie nahmen ein Notebook, mehrere USB-Sticks, eine externe Festplatte und etliche DVDs mit. Im Durchsuchungsbericht heißt es, auf dem Schreibtisch hätten sich ein Monitor und eine Tastatur befunden. Der “dazugehörige PC” sei jedoch nicht auffindbar gewesen. Auf die Mitnahme des Monitors und der Tastatur habe man verzichtet. Der iMac hat also durchaus Vorzüge.

Do You Like Online Privacy? You May Be a Terrorist | Public Intelligence

A flyer designed by the FBI and the Department of Justice to promote suspicious activity reporting in internet cafes lists basic tools used for online privacy as potential signs of terrorist activity. The “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities” contained in the flyer are not to be construed alone as a sign of terrorist activity and the document notes that “just because someone’s speech, actions, beliefs, appearance, or way of life is different; it does not mean that he or she is suspicious.” However, many of the activities described in the document are basic practices of any individual concerned with security or privacy online. The use of PGP, VPNs, Tor or any of the many other technologies for anonymity and privacy online are directly targeted by the flyer, which is distributed to businesses in an effort to promote the reporting of these activities.

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[Samstag, 20120204, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-03

aMindWellArmed comments on Full-Disk Encryption Works

Debian boot scripts make it possible to key in your password using the power button using input-events, though I only did this once and I have to admit that it is quite paranoid even for my standards.

aMindWellArmed comments on Full-Disk Encryption Works

Debian boot scripts make it possible to key in your password using the power button using input-events, though I only did this once and I have to admit that it is quite paranoid even for my standards.

Eine Replik auf Ansgar Heveling: Angemessene Vergütung ist ein komplexes Problem - Gastbeiträge - Meinung - Handelsblatt

Auch Apples durchschlagender Erfolg des iTunes-Stores beruht auf der gleichen simplen Erkenntnis wie Amazons E-Book-Erfolge: Die Nutzer zahlen durchaus für Inhalte, solange es billig, einfach und bequem ist und bruchlos funktioniert. Die deutsche Medienbranche sitzt vor dieser einfachen Wahrheit immer noch wie das Kaninchen vor der Technologie-Schlange – und ruft nach immer härterer gesetzlicher Gängelung der Nutzer.

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[Freitag, 20120203, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)

Links from 2012-02-02

Feds Seize 307 Sports-Related Domains Ahead of Super Sunday | Threat Level | Wired.com

Federal authorities said Thursday they had seized and shuttered 307 domains, 16 allegedly engaged in unauthorized live sports streaming and the remainder accused of selling fake professional sports merchandise, including National Football League paraphernalia. “While most people are focusing on whether the Patriots or Giants will win on Sunday, we at ICE have our sights on a different type of victory: defeating the international counterfeiting rings that illegally profit off of this event, the NFL, its players and sports fans,” said ICE Director Morton. Federal authorities are taking .com, .org. and .net domains under the same civil-seizure law the government invokes to seize brick-and-mortar drug houses, bank accounts and other property tied to alleged illegal activity. The feds are able to seize the domains because Verisign, which controls the .net and .com names, and the Public Interest Registry, which runs .org, are U.S.-based organizations

Key Internet operator VeriSign hit by hackers | Reuters

VeriSign Inc, the company in charge of delivering people safely to more than half the world’s websites, has been hacked repeatedly by outsiders who stole undisclosed information from the leading Internet infrastructure company. The previously unreported breaches occurred in 2010 at the Reston, Virginia-based company, which is ultimately responsible for the integrity of Web addresses ending in .com, .net and .gov. The VeriSign attacks were revealed in a quarterly U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing in October that followed new guidelines on reporting security breaches to investors. It was the most striking disclosure to emerge in a review by Reuters of more than 2,000 documents mentioning breach risks since the SEC guidance was published.

Novelle zum Sicherheitspolizeigesetz: Innenausschuss weist Bedenken zurück | unwatched.org

Von einer Aushöhlung der bürgerlichen Freiheiten und des Rechtsstaates wollten die Abgeordneten von ÖVP und SPÖ nichts wissen. Nicht einmal Johann Maier (SPÖ), seines Zeichens Vorsitzender des Österreichischen Datenschutzrates, sah in der geplanten Ausdehnung der „erweiterten Gefahrenerforschung” auf Einzelpersonen ein Problem. Dabei könne der einzelne Bürger schon durch unbedachte Äußerungen zum potentiellen Überwachungsobjekt werden; Observation oder der Einsatz verdeckter Ermittler mit Ton- und Bildaufnahmegeräten sind dann auch hinsichtlich einzelner Personen zulässige Überwachungsmethoden, wie Albert Steinhauser, Justizsprecher der Grünen, im Vorfeld kritisiert hatte.

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[Donnerstag, 20120202, 04:05 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)


„Leyrers Online Pamphlet“ ist die persönliche Website von mir, Martin Leyrer. Die hier veröffentlichten Beiträge spiegeln meine Ideen, Interessen, meinen Humor und fallweise auch mein Leben wider.
The postings on this site are my own and do not represent the positions, strategies or opinions of any former, current or future employer of mine.
Impressum / Offenlegung gemäß § 25 Mediengesetz


Me, Elsewhere

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2007, 2blog, 2do, 2read, a-trust, a.trust, a1, accessability, acta, advent, age, ai, amazon, ankündigung, apache, apple, at, audio, austria, backup, barcamp, basteln, bba, big brother awards, birthday, blog, blogging, book, books, browser, Browser_-_Firefox, bruce sterling, buch, bürgerkarte, cars, cartoon, ccc, cfp, christmas, cloud, coding, collection, command line, commandline, computer, computing, concert, conference, copyright, covid19, css, database, date, datenschutz, debian, delicious, demokratie, design, desktop, deutsch, deutschland, dev, developer, development, devops, digitalisierung, digitalks, dilbert, disobay, dna, dns, Doctor Who, documentation, Domino, domino, Douglas Adams, download, downloads, drm, dsk, dvd, e-card, e-government, e-mail, e-voting, E71, education, Ein_Tag_im_Leben, elga, email, encryption, essen, EU, eu, event, events, exchange, Extensions, fail, fedora, feedback, film, firefox, flash, flightexpress, food, foto, fsfe, fun, future, games, gaming, geek, geld, git, gleichberechtigung, google, graz, grüne, grüninnen, hack, hacker, handtuch, handy, hardware, HHGTTG, history, how-to, howto, hp, html, humor, IBM, ibm, ical, iCalendar, image, innovation, intel, internet, internet explorer, iot, iphone, ipod, isp, IT, it, itfails, itfailsAT, itfailsDE, java, javascript, job, jobmarket, journalismus, keyboard, knowledge, konzert, language, laptop, law, lego, lenovo, life, links, Linux, linux, linuxwochen, linuxwochenende, live, living, living, lol, london, lost+found, lotus, Lotus, Lotus Notes, lotus notes, lotusnotes, LotusNotes, lotusphere, Lotusphere, Lotusphere2006, lotusphere2007, lotusphere2008, Lotusphere2008, lustig, m3_bei_der_Arbeit, mac, mail, marketing, mathematik, media, medien, metalab, microsoft, Microsoft, mITtendrin, mITtendrin, mobile, mood, motivation, movie, mp3, multimedia, music, musik, männer, nasa, nerd, netwatcher, network, netzpolitik, news, nokia, notes, Notes, Notes+Domino, office, online, OOXML, open source, openoffice, opensource, orf, orlando, os, outlook, patents, pc, pdf, performance, perl, personal, php, picture, pictures, podcast, politics, politik, pr, press, press, presse, privacy, privatsphäre, productivity, programming, protest, public speaking, qtalk, quintessenz, quote, quotes, radio, rant, rant, recherche, recht, release, review, rezension, rezension, rip, rss, science, search, security, server, settings, sf, shaarli, Show-n-tell thursday, sicherheit, silverlight, smtp, SnTT, social media, software, sony, sound, space, spam, sprache, sprache, spö, ssh, ssl, standards, storage, story, stupid, summerspecial, summerspecial, sun, surveillance, sysadmin, talk, talk, talks, technology, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, theme, think, thinkpad, thunderbird, tip, tipp, tools, topgear, torrent, towel, Towel Day, TowelDay, travel, truth, tv, twitter, ubuntu, ui, uk, unix, update, usa, usb, vds, video, video, videoüberwachung, vienna, Vim, vim, vintage, vista, vorratsdatenspeicherung, vortrag, wahl, wcm, wcm, web, web 2.0, web2.0, web20, Web20, webdesign, werbung, wien, wiener linien, wikileaks, windows, windows, windows 7, wired, wishlist, wissen, Wissen_ist_Macht, wlan, work, workshops, wow, writing, wtf, Wunschzettel, wunschzettel, www, xbox, xml, xp, zensur, zukunft, zukunft, zune, österreich, österreich, övp, übersetzung, überwachung

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