Links from 2012-02-04
Taskwarrior - Overview - Taskwarrior
Taskwarrior is a command-line todo list manager. It maintains a list of tasks that you want to do, allowing you to add/remove, and otherwise manipulate them. Task has a rich list of subcommands that allow you to do sophisticated things with it. You’ll find it has customizable reports, charts, GTD features, Lua extensions, device synching and more.Schattenbericht zur Warnhinweis-Studie: “Warnmodelle sind unsinnig und gefährlich” | Digitale Gesellschaft
Der Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. stellt der Studie „Vergleich von Modellen zur Versendung von Warnhinweisen durch Internet-Zugangsanbieter an Nutzer bei Urheberrechtsverletzungen“ des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums einen Schattenbericht zur Seite. Darin wird deutlich, dass repressive Maßnahmen, wie sie in anderen Ländern durchgeführt werden, gefährlich und unverhältnismäßig sind sowie am eigentlichen Problem vorbei gehen.Why I signed ACTA
I signed ACTA out of civic carelessness, because I did not pay enough attention. Quite simply, I did not clearly connect the agreement I had been instructed to sign with the agreement that, according to my own civic conviction, limits and withholds the freedom of engagement on the largest and most significant network in human history, and thus limits particularly the future of our children.Pacemaker powered by heartbeats - Energy Harvesting Journal
Aerospace engineers from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor have developed a prototype device that could power a pacemaker using vibrations in the chest cavity that are due mainly to heartbeats.Google to Censor Blogger Blogs on a ‘Per Country Basis’ | Threat Level |
Google has quietly announced changes to its Blogger free-blogging platform that will enable the blocking of content only in countries where censorship is required. Twitter announced technology last week addressing the same blog» Archiv » Monitor und Tastatur
Die Wohnung meines Mandanten wurde gründlich durchsucht. Insbesondere hatten es die Beamten auf Datenträger abgesehen. Sie nahmen ein Notebook, mehrere USB-Sticks, eine externe Festplatte und etliche DVDs mit. Im Durchsuchungsbericht heißt es, auf dem Schreibtisch hätten sich ein Monitor und eine Tastatur befunden. Der “dazugehörige PC” sei jedoch nicht auffindbar gewesen. Auf die Mitnahme des Monitors und der Tastatur habe man verzichtet. Der iMac hat also durchaus Vorzüge.Do You Like Online Privacy? You May Be a Terrorist | Public Intelligence
A flyer designed by the FBI and the Department of Justice to promote suspicious activity reporting in internet cafes lists basic tools used for online privacy as potential signs of terrorist activity. The “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities” contained in the flyer are not to be construed alone as a sign of terrorist activity and the document notes that “just because someone’s speech, actions, beliefs, appearance, or way of life is different; it does not mean that he or she is suspicious.” However, many of the activities described in the document are basic practices of any individual concerned with security or privacy online. The use of PGP, VPNs, Tor or any of the many other technologies for anonymity and privacy online are directly targeted by the flyer, which is distributed to businesses in an effort to promote the reporting of these activities. Tagged as: delicious, links | Author: Martin Leyrer
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