Links from 2012-02-07

Five Reasons why Windows 8 will be dead on arrival | ZDNet

If you’re unhappy about the state of Metro applications, think about the poor Windows programmers. You’ve spent years learning .NET, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and now they have to learn WinRT and Jupiter/XAML. Even developers who like WinRT give it “compliments” like “It’s a great time to get involved with WinRT, as the platform is still in its infancy, and will need a lot of developer support to build even more robust tools.” Really? That comment was made in January 2012, and the development tools are still in diapers!? Last, but not least, Windows developers will need rewrite their Metro apps for the more traditional Windows-style desktop. Oh, and they’ll also need to build them for both x86 and ARM platforms…. Heck, Brandon Watson, head of developer experiences for Windows Phone, just left Microsoft for Amazon’s Android-based Kindle team Think he might know something?

CADMOS BG/P File Systems

The /bgscratch file system is the only disk space where BG/P jobs are allowed to write data. It is therefore suitable for jobs output data and dump files (checkpoints). The scratch file system is rather fast. The compute nodes could read and write data at a throughput of up to 10 GB/s. User’s scratch directories are accessible from all Blue Gene/P nodes and front-end hosts through the same absolute path: /bgscratch/$USER The scratch file system has about 700 TB of storage space, shared among all users. Quotas aren’t activated.

ACTA Survival Guide for Website Owners | EDRI

You need to make sure that you do nothing that creates an incentive for the domain name reseller to remove your site. it is important to avoid doing anything which would risk unilateral measures being taken by the registrar. The search engine that provides traffic to your website could remove your site from search results, based on the law of the country where it is based.

GPL enforcement sparks community flames | ITworld

The debate over enforcement of the GPL took an interesting turn this week, after one developer’s call for more projects to begin enforcement proceedings against alleged GPL violators of the Linux kernel. Red Hat kernel developer Matthew Garrett, who has long railed against downstream Android vendors who are very likely violating the GNU Public License, has turned the spotlight on a recent move by Sony’s eLinux team to begin work on a replacement for BusyBox, which Garrett alleges is purely a move to sidestep the GPL’ed BusyBox project and enable embedded vendors like Sony to gain BusyBox functionality without the need to comply with the GPL.

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