Links from 2012-02-17
Bruce Springsteen: ‘What was done to my country was un-American’ | Music |
„What was done to our country was wrong and unpatriotic and un-American and nobody has been held to account,” he later told the Guardian. „There is a real patriotism underneath the best of my music but it is a critical, questioning and often angry patriotism.”Printing Drones by the Sheet (or how we get to tens of billions of drones by 2020) - Global Guerrillas
The FAA currently estimates that there will be 30,000 drones licensed to operate in US skies by 2020. It’s a misleading estimate. Why? It only counts large, professional drones (and even that estimate is low). It doesn’t count all of the small/micro drones operating below ~400ft and at slower airspeeds. How many micro-drones will there be by 2020? Tens of millions (tens of billions if there is warfare or repression driving it – and given the problems we are facing, there will be) … How do we get to that number? Simple. You print them by the sheet.Animal rights group says drone shot down
A remote-controlled aircraft owned by an animal rights group was reportedly shot down near Broxton Bridge Plantation Sunday. Steve Hindi, president of SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness), said his group was preparing to launch its Mikrokopter drone to video what he called a live pigeon shoot on Sunday when law enforcement officers and an attorney claiming to represent the privately-owned plantation near Ehrhardt tried to stop the aircraft from flying. „It didn’t work; what SHARK was doing was perfectly legal,” Hindi said in a news release. „Once they knew nothing was going to stop us, the shooting stopped and the cars lined up to leave.” He said the animal rights group decided to send the drone up anyway. „Seconds after it hit the air, numerous shots rang out,” Hindi said in the release. „As an act of revenge for us shutting down the pigeon slaughter, they had shot down our copter.”US Returns Domain; Still Refuses To Say What Happened | Techdirt
There’s been a lot of interest in the story of the Secret Service completely shutting down through a request to GoDaddy. It appears that the suspension is now ending, though it hasn’t fully propagated. What’s amazing is that no one in the US government (or at GoDaddy) seems to be willing to explain what happened. When GoDaddy completely shut down with no notice, the folks at JotForm had to inquire as to what the hell happened to their entire website. They were merely told to contact a Secret Service agent. That agent then told JotForm she was too busy to respond to them and would get back to them within a week. Think about that for a second. The US government completely takes down a small business’ website and then is too busy to explain why.Geheimprotokoll: Acta-Verweigerer erzürnen EU-Kommission -
Der Vertreter Österreichs teilte mit, man erhalte seit der Unterzeichnung eine Flut von Anfragen aus der Netzgemeinde, von Abgeordneten und Ministerien, und bat die EU-Kommission um Unterstützung. Man müsse die Gegner überzeugen und könne nicht einfach deren Argumentation mit dem Hinweis zurückweisen, sie hätten „keine Ahnung”. Auch Estland, Ungarn und die Niederlande baten die Kommission um bessere Informationen. Malta erklärte, dass auch dort „erheblicher Druck” auf die Regierung ausgeübt werde. Rumänien bat die Kommission, die Regierungen bei der Ratifikation des Acta-Abkommens zu unterstützen. Vertreter der Kommission verwiesen auf Informationsmaterial, das zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Gern sei die Kommission bereit, bei konkreten Fragen auch „weitere Argumentationshilfe” zu leisten. Tagged as: delicious, links | Author: Martin Leyrer
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