Links from 2013-01-04
Man Arrested for Flipping Off Cop Wins Day in Court
The pursuit of criminal sanctions for use of the middle finger infringes on First Amendment rights, violates fundamental principles of criminal justice, wastes valuable judicial resources, and defies good sense.”Do Not Underestimate the Power of Convenience – tecosystems
Over the last decade plus, this procurement pattern has been increasingly challenged by a variety of disruptive technology adoption models: among them Open Source Software (OSS), cloud computing, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD). Developers, as we have asserted previously, are increasingly the New Kingmakers. One of the biggest challenges for vendors built around traditional procurement patterns is their tendency to undervalue convenience. Developers, in general, respond to very different incentives than do their executive purchasing counterparts. Where organizational buyers tend to be less price sensitive and more focused on issues relating to reliability and manageability, as one example, individual developers tend to be more concerned with cost and availability – convenience, in other words. Because you are who you build for, then, enterprise IT products tend to be more secure and compliant and less convenient than developer-oriented alternatives.e-comm: EGMR: Beschränkung des Internetzugangs als Verletzung des Art 10 EMRK
Das Internet ist heute eines der wichtigsten Mittel des Einzelnen für die Ausübung des Rechts der freien Meinungsäußerung und der Informationsfreiheit. Das hat der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) in seinem heute veröffentlichten Urteil Yıldırım gegen Türkei (Appl. no.3111/10) festgestellt, in dem er (einstimmig) eine Verletzung des Art 10 EMRK durch die Türkei wegen einer generellen Sperre des Zugangs zu Google Sites feststellte. Tagged as: delicious, links | Author: Martin Leyrer
[Samstag, 20130105, 04:00 | permanent link | 0 Kommentar(e)
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